Assets / Asset Portal / Background Data

Define Cable Standards

Although the Archibus telecom features do not support developing specific cables (either in the floor plan or in the database), you can define cable standards, which you can associate with each Jack record. This enables you to specify that a jack uses a certain cable standard.

To define a cable standard:

  1. Select the Background Data / Define Cable Standards task.
  2. Click Add New at the top of the Cable Standards list.
  3. Enter the following required field:

    Cable Standard: Enter a unique identifier for the cable standard.

  4. Enter the following data to further define the cable standard

    Cable Standard Description: Enter a description for the cable standard. This description appears in the selection list when you are reviewing cable standards.

    Std Hierarchy Level: Select the telecom hierarchy level for the standard.

    Vendor Code/Manufacturer/Unit Cost: Complete these fields to record purchase information for the cable standard. The Vendor Code is a validated field. You can enter your vendors using the Reservations application.

    Diameter Core/Diameter Overall: Use Diameter Core to document the actual material diameter excluding the insulation layer. Use Diameter Overall to include the insulation layer.

    Unit Weight/Unit Cost: Record the weight and cost of one unit of the cable standard.

    Cable Color: If you draw a cable and use its Standard option to set a cable standard, the command draws the cable with the color specified in this field. Complete this field with a number representing an AutoCAD color.

    Std Telecom Service Type: Select the telecom service of this standard. For example, you can choose Voice if the Cable Standard represents a voice cable.

    Cable Type: Select a value such as Coax or Fiber Optic from the validating list. This field is validated by the Cable Types table.

    Std Cabling Level: Select whether this is a Horizontal Cable Standard or Backbone Cable Standard.

    Maximum Length: Use this field to specify the maximum length of cables of this standard. Note that when you create cable asset symbols, you can draw them at any length; you are not limited to drawing them according to the maximum length specified by their standards.

    Bandwidth: Enter the bandwidth capacity for this cable standard.

  5. Click Save.