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Assets / Enterprise Assets

Asset Lifecycle Console - Overview

Asset managers can use the Asset Lifecycle Console as a tool for either analysis or for asset management. The Asset Lifecycle Console enables you to optimize assets throughout the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase of the asset lifecycle.

Getting started

Typically, there are two starting points:

Using the console as an analysis tool

The following describes using the Asset Lifecycle Console as an analysis tool:

When analyzing a group of assets or an individual asset for optimization, you can use the console to do the following:

Using the console as an asset management tool

Working from each of the console's tabs facilitates managing assets:

Tab Purpose Answers these Questions Help Topic
Asset Registry

Locate assets showing their status and overall financial information based on restrictions set in the filter console. From this console, you can add new assets, edit existing assets and review the profile information of individual assets

Where is it?

What is its value?

Reviewing and Managing Asset Data from the Asset Lifecycle Console
Asset Lifecycle Management

Locate assets by location, ownership, or activity (project). The Asset Registry panel has predefined visible fields based on the type of user: Financial, Project, FM, or IT. You can edit assets or assign them to various action items, such as service requests, assessments, or a project action. You can review the asset profile, as well as the current activities that the asset is associated with. You can also review the complete transaction history of a selected asset, reviewing all changes to the location, ownership, status and value throughout the entire life of the asset.

What activities is an asset currently engaged in?

What is the complete history of the asset?

What is the relevant stakeholder asset information?

Managing Assets throughout the Lifecycle (Lifecycle Tab)
Asset Optimization

Provides financial, mission support, and risk mitigation metrics along with a geographical map display of assets by status. Asset managers can use this information for optimally managing assets. This helps identify the best assets for re-purposing or replacement.

Are the enterprise assets cost effectively in the right place, at the right time, in the right condition, to support the enterprise mission? Optimizing Assets
Asset Relationship Analysis

Presents your assets in a drill-down list that shows the dependencies between assets, and enables you to manage a large number of assets effectively. From this tab, you can develop your system assignments, and can perform analysis to evaluate which systems are affected by disruptions, such as repairs, moves, and renovations.

Use this tab, which is also found on the Equipment Systems Console, to track your assets and their interdependencies, so that you can evaluate the effects that one asset has on another, such as during renovations, moves, or maintenance.

You can see the equipment on a floor plan or 3D Navigator to review the spaces served by the equipment, and to trace its dependencies. You can also review the support team that services this equipment

What are the dependencies between assets?

What are my equipment systems?

Equipment Systems Console: Overview

Asset Relationship Analysis tab

Reports button Located on the Asset Registry tab, the button enables you to select the asset type you want to report on, and then select from asset management or analysis reports   Reports for Enterprise Assets and Assets