Space / Space Planning / Space Planner / Space & Portfolio Planning Console / Select Scenario tab
Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Advanced Portfolio Forecasting / Space & Portfolio Planning Console / Select Scenario tab

Create a New Portfolio Scenario from an Existing One

Space planners often find it convenient to create a new scenario based on an existing scenario.

For example, you may want to provide alternate solutions for the same issue. Suppose you have a scenario in which you have projected future space needs by maximizing your current space and then leasing additional space in the same building. You now want to compare this solution to a scenario in which you move to a new building when the current lease expires. Since you have already outlined your requirements, brought them into the scenario, and created allocations, you can have the system create a new scenario by copying the existing scenario and all its components. You can then adjust the second scenario as necessary to reflect moving to the new building.

Note: If the source portfolio scenario is at the functional group level, the action also copies the linked space requirement and space requirement item records to the new scenario.

To create a new scenario from an existing one:

  1. In the Select Scenario tab of the Space & Portfolio Planning Console, choose the Copy Scenario button in the upper right corner.
  2. The system presents the Copy Scenario form. Complete the fields as follows:
Field Description
Source Portfolio Scenario The system will complete this field once you complete Source Portfolio Scenario Name, below.
Source Portfolio Scenario Name Use the ellipses button to select the source portfolio scenario, or type its name in the box.
New Portfolio Scenario Enter the identifying value for the scenario you are creating.
New Portfolio Scenario Name Enter a descriptive name for the scenario you are creating.
Portfolio Scenario Description Enter a description for the portfolio scenario you are creating.
  1. Choose Copy. The system displays a confirmation message that it successfully copied the existing scenario to a new scenario.
  2. Choose Close to process the form.
  3. The new scenario appears in the list on the Select Scenario tab.