Space / Space Planning / Reports
Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Advanced Portfolio Forecasting

Space & Portfolio Forecasting Reports

Gap Analysis Chart

See Gap Analysis Chart.

Portfolio Scenario Comparison

Since portfolio scenarios can outline different "what if" possibilities, it is convenient to compare two scenarios that are illustrating the same issue. For example, to plan for anticipated growth, you might have one scenario that documents continuing your current lease and leasing additional space in a nearby building, and another scenario that depicts starting a new lease in a new building that will accommodate all your needs. You can use the Portfolio Scenario Comparison report to compare in one report the gap analysis of these two scenarios.

This report answers questions such as:

The report can compare portfolios' gap analyses (per below image) or their costs and headcounts. Use the Show button in the upper right corner to control this.

Proposed Moves

See Proposed Moves report.

Portfolio Scenario Details

This is an operational report that simply shows the details of any associated space requirements for a selected scenario. In order to review key changes and specific requirements associated with a plan, you may want to review the space requirements in detail.

Key questions that this report helps answer are:

Export to a Portfolio Scenario to Powerpoint

You can generate a Powerpoint presentation from your key portfolio scenario data. This is particularly handy for sharing stack plans, maps, and markups with other users. See Output a Portfolio Scenario to PowerPoint