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Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Advanced Portfolio Forecasting / Space & Portfolio Planning Console

Concept: Remaining Area and Usable Area Calculations

There’s a key difference between how the Space Inventory application calculates Usable Area, and how the Space Planning system brings over Usable Area and represents that area in allocations.

Application Usable Area
Space Inventory Floor Usable Area = Internal Gross Area - sum of room area for rooms that have super-categories of VERT and SERV
Space Planning

The system gives an allocation (a group) an Allocation Type of “Usable Area – Owned”

group area_manual = sum of room area for rooms that have a super-category of USBL

For many floors, these values will be the same. However, there will be discrepancies if:

There is difference between Space Inventory and Space Planning for Remaining Area:

Application Remaining Area
Space Inventory

Floor Remaining Area = Internal Gross Area - sum of room areas

(this accounts for all area that is not drawn as rooms)

Space Planning Unavailable Remaining Area = Internal Gross Area - sum of groups of allocation types “Usable Area – Owned”, “Usable Area – Leased”, “Unavailable – Vertical Penetration”, and “Unavailable – Service Area”

Again, the discrepancy between the two may be accounted for by any rooms that have a super-category of OTHR, or any rooms that are not categorized. The goal is to have the floor’s stack area add up to its Internal Gross Area, which it does.