Space / Space Inventory / Space Manager (Non-Transactional)

Space Manager

The space manager needs an overview of space usage throughout the facility so that they can minimize unused space (remaining area) and ensure that departments are not under-allocated (which can effect efficiency) or over-allocated (which can waste money).

So that space managers can analyze the entire space inventory, the Space Manager process offers the Space Console, which presents an interactive way to work with floor plans. Many of the below analysis tasks can be accomplished with the Space Console. For information, see Space Console.

Space Console

For information, see Space Console.

Department tasks

The process offers a set of reports that present all area data for a department, regardless of whether the department's area data derives from groups or from rooms. When examining this set of reports, note that floors in the sample HQ project reflect a combination of rooms and groups: some are composed only of rooms, some only of groups, and some a combination of rooms and groups.

Manage Space Surveys

If you are using the Space Book mobile app to survey space, use this task to manage the audit records and update the inventory with audit results. See Manage Space Surveys (for Space Book mobile app).


See Space Manager reports (non-transaction inventory)