Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Provider

Review Service History

Select the Review Service History task to obtain a list of all service requests you handled.

You can search for service requests by Request Type, Status, or requests created within a certain data range. Click Select in the row for a request, and the program presents the details of the request on the View tab. The Description panel shows the current Request Status, and the History panel shows a detailed log for the request with request step, request step status , workflow step information.

Instead of reviewing request one by one, you can review an overview with the below reports:

Open Service Requests Report 

This report gives a quantification of all open service requests for the service provider in regard to time escalation and request status.

For all the Open Service Requests a cross-table is shown with the following information:


Request Status

Number of Open Service Requests vs.

  • Number Not Escalated
  • Number Escalated for Completion
  • Number Escalated for Response


Number of Open Requests by Basic Request Status for the given Escalation status.

Note: Most SLAs define the time limits for a request in terms of response and completion. Escalation occurs when request handling doesn't meet the specified Time to Completeand/or Time to Respond.

Service Provider Performance Reports

Run the Service Provider Performance Report task for a series of reports that quantify the quality and effectiveness of the service provided for all archived service requests. 

By using the filter panel, you can examine results by site and/or by year.

Evaluation of ...


Request Handling

Number of Requests entered vs.

  • Number of Responses on Time
  • Number of Completions on Time
  • Number of Complete within Estimated Cost
  • Number of Completions on Time within Estimated Cost


Estimated Costs

Actual Costs

Cost Variance

Number of Request Entered vs.

  • Number of Completions within Estimated Cost
  • Number of Completions On Time within Estimated Cost

Client Satisfaction

Number of Client Surveys by Satisfaction Rating