Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Provider

Accepting and Declining Service Requests

As a service provider, you will receive service requests to complete. Depending on the SLA governing the request, you may have the option to accept or decline the work. This is known as an acceptance step.

Run the Accept/Decline Request task. The first page presents a list of requests needing your acceptance. Select a request, and the system shows detailed information about the request organized in different panels. The panels shown depend on the Request Type.

Accept the Request

The system presents a description text box. You can enter information about your acceptance of this job in the description text box. If you are able to do this work, choose the Accept button.

Decline the Request

If you choose to decline the request, click Decline. If you wish to offer a comment about why you are declining the request, complete the description text box before you choose the Decline button. When you decline a request, the system routes it to the Service Desk Manager's list of escalated requests so that the Service Desk Manager can find an appropriate service provider to take on this work.


Issuing and Completing Service Requests