Workplace Services / Service Desk / Client

Manage Unsubmitted Service Requests

If you create a service request but do not submit it, you can edit and submit the un-submitted request using the Manage Unsubmitted Service Requests task.

Note: If you make employee assignments when creating a move service request, and then do not submit the request, the assignments are not saved. In this case, you can use the Manage Unsubmitted Service Requests tasks to make the assignments again.

To manage unsubmitted service requests:

  1. Select the Client / Manage Unsubmitted Service Requests task.

    The Unsubmitted Service Requests view shows all service requests that you have created but not submitted.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • To submit the service request without editing it, click Submit in the row for the request.
    • To edit the service request before submitting it:
      1.  Click Edit in the row for the service request,

        The Basic Information tab appears.

      2. Use the Next button to proceed to each of the tabs for the request. The tabs that appear depend on the type of service request.
      3. Enter or edit information as needed on each tab.
      4. On the final tab, click Submit.