Real Property / Forecasting / Cost Forecasting
Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Cost Forecasting

Cost Forecasting: Process Overview

Using the Cost Forecasting process, you can allocate building recurring costs to the departments that are projected to occupy the space. You can allocate costs for any time period. This enables you to review historical cost allocations and project future costs.

You use the Cost Forecasting Wizard to enter Recurring Costs to record all the expenses for running a building, such as rent, maintenance, or utility costs. The program projects an annual building cost and distributes it proportionately to all the departments projected to occupy the building.

The Cost Forecasting process includes the Cost Forecast Department Analysis and Cost Forecast Building Analysis reports. See Cost Forecasting Reports.

Cost forecasts are based on the space allocations you make using the Space & Portfolio Planning Console (Advanced Forecasting application) or the Portfolio Forecast Wizard (Portfolio Forecasting application).

See Also

Cost Forecast Wizard