Real Property / Forecasting / Cost Forecasting / Cost Forecast Wizard
Real Property Advanced Forecasting / Cost Forecasting / Cost Forecast Wizard

Allocate Costs

From the Cost Forecast Wizard's Allocate Costs tab, you can recalculate each group's costs based on the group's percentage of the building area, and the costs you have entered for the building from the Building Costs tab. This tab shows the same groups as the Space & Portfolio Planning Console.

At the top of the screen, you can specify the Portfolio Scenario you will be working with and a Review Date. By default, the Portfolio Scenario is Baseline, but you can change this if you have created different scenarios.

The Review Date enables you to set a time frame for reviewing the group allocation. You select a date for the Review Date field and then click Show to display data for that date. Once you set this date, you can use the <Year, Year>, <Month, Month> buttons to shift the date by one year or by one month. See Selecting Review Dates,

Note:  To review all the groups from all forecast periods, leave the Review Date blank .

The title bar always displays the Building you are working with, the Portfolio Scenario, and the Review Date.

Auto Calculating Costs

If you select the Auto Calculate Costs check box on the Allocate Costs tab, the program will always recalculate costs prior to refreshing the data. See Auto Calculating Costs.


You can navigate to any tab, but you must select a Review Date before going to the Cost Allocation Chart or the Department Analysis tabs.

See Also

Cost Allocation Chart Tab

Department Analysis Tab