Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio
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Adding Amenities for a Portfolio Item or Lease

An amenity is a feature of a property, building, structure, land, or lease that is usually of interest to tenants or landlords, as well as to brokers representing the property. Fitness centers, ISDN lines, sprinkler systems, and day care centers are all examples of property or building amenity types.

Your facility manager adds the amenity types required for your portfolio. You then associate these amenity types with specific properties, structures, land, buildings, or leases.

Adding amenities enables you to track them by their location, and to review amenities to assess those that you need to maintain or renovate. When negotiating a lease, it is handy to have the list of amenities immediately available.

You review amenity information in the Amenities by Property, Building, or Lease Reports.

To add an amenity to a lease

You add an amenity to a lease as a type of clause. See Enter Clauses.

To add an amenity to a property or a building

  1. Select one of the following tasks, available from the paths listed at the top of this topic:
    • Add New Amenity to a Property
    • Add New Amenity to a Building
  2. Select the property or building from the list in the Properties or Buildings panel.
  3. In the Property Amenities or Building Amenities panel, select Add New.
  4. In the Property Amenity or Building Amenity panel, select the Amenity Type from the list.
  5. Optionally, enter a comment in the Comments section that further describes the amenity.
  6. Click Save.

To add an amenity to a structure or land

  1. Select one of the following tasks, available from the paths listed at the top of this topic:
    • Add New Amenity to a Structure
    • Add New Amenity to Land
  2. Select the structure or land from the Structure or Land panel.
  3. In the Structure Amenities or Land Amenities panel, select Add New.
  4. In the Structure Amenity or Land Amenity panel, select the Amenity Type from the list.
  5. Optionally, enter a comment in the Comments section that further describes the amenity.

See Also

Defining Amenity Types

Amenities by Property, Building, or Lease Reports