Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App

Complete Work Requests

Once the work is done, and you have updated the work request with information, such as the hours worked and parts used, you can mark the work request as completed. Completed work is included in the count of Completed work requests in the Open Work Requests report, and it no longer appears in the craftsperson's queue. You can mark a single work request as completed, or you can bulk complete requests.

Craftspersons can mark their own work as Complete, either from the Maintenance Console, or from the Archibus Maintenance mobile app. Supervisors can also work from either the Maintenance mobile ap or from Web Central to mark their own or a craftsperson's work as Complete.

When a craftsperson completes a work request, it no longer appears in their queue. However, completed work appears in the supervisor's queue. If needed , the supervisor can make further updates before closing the work. Once the work request is closed, it is archived, and is no longer available for editing.

Re-issuing completed work

A supervisor might determine that a work request that is Completed is actually incomplete or contains inaccurate information. The supervisor can re-issue the work request to a craftsperson. The purpose of re-issuing a work request that is Completed is to make corrections to work that is incomplete or incorrect, while tracking this within the original work request. Re-issuing work preserves all of the information in the original work request so that the history and details are available and can be tracked. This continuity leads to a more efficient workflow and review process. See Returning Work Request (Supervisor).

Part inventory adjustments upon work request completion

The application adjusts the part inventory when you complete a work request. That is, when you run the Complete action, the application reconciles the Quantity Available and the Quantity on Reserve based on actual parts used.

Part inventory adjustment occurs at the work order completion stage, rather than the work order close-out stage, because the close process can occur well after work request completion - and sometimes just quarterly. A prolonged period between completion and close-out could result in an inaccurate inventory.

Work Request Status and Assignment Status

For a description of how changing the Work Request Status also changes the Work Request Labor Assignment Status, see


Next step

Close Work

Related topic

How to Update Work Requests

Issue Work

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Maintenance Console: Overview

Working from the Maintenance Console or from the Maintenance mobile app: Overview