Real Property / Portfolio Summary

Global Portfolio Dashboard: Executive Reports

The Global Real Estate Portfolio Manager requires a property financial summary that reflects the current state of the entire global organization. This picture needs to provide decision support data for strategic decisions, and budget analysis aimed at reducing costs in planning for the next year. For example, when considering expansion options, the Global Portfolio Dashboard provides access to current data for footprint, employee headcounts, and projected operating costs, both current and in the near future.

Key Performance Indicator Benchmarks These benchmarks provide summary statistics for the group of building you have included in the restriction. Statistics include gross area, percent leased over percent owned, total operating expenses, Average Are per Employee, Cost per Area, and vacancy percent. See Key Performance Indicator Benchmark Values.

Building Details Report Provides information for specific buildings, including details for active leases, and suite area broken down by available suite area and suite area that is currently leased. See The Lease, Building, Structure, or Land Details Reports.

Buildings by Country Report Provides a summary of key building data by country, such as building status, areas, book value vs. market value; and lease details, including status and start date end dates. This report helps you to compare facilities by country; for example to evaluate whether your space in a particular country is mainly leased or mainly owned.

All Properties Financial Summary by Country:Provides year-end financial metrics to compare properties by country. From reviewing the numbers you can determine the properties that have the heaviest real estate costs. These metrics include Yearly Operating Costs/Rentable Area and Yearly Income/Rentable Area that enable you to evaluate the property's costs and income in relation to its rentable area, the income-producing area for the property. The metric also include Total Yearly Costs that enable you to make an assessment of the overall costs associated with the property. See All Properties Financial Summary by Country Report.

Buildings Dashboard The Buildings Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your buildings showing Total Costs in your Budget Currency, no matter how many local currencies the costs were entered in. The Buildings Dashboard includes Key performance Indicator Charts and the Manage Buildings by Location view from which you can generate reports, such as Leases and Suites by Buildings. See Buildings Dashboard,

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