Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

Lease Indexing Profiles

Using a Lease Indexing Profile you can use any price index to calculate adjustments for cost transactions having the RENT - BASE RENT cost category. You can load values for the index into the application using the existing data import methods. If you associate your leases with Lease Indexing Profiles, the application automatically calculates the rent adjustment using the information in the profile.

You enter this information when adding the Lease Indexing Profile for the lease.

Indexing Tasks

It is assumed to have already added the initial base rent cost for the lease.

Task Description Help Topics
Lease cost administrator
Add a Lease Indexing Profile for an existing lease This profile plus the uploaded indexing values provide the information the application needs to automatically calculate the cost adjustment using the index. Create a Lease Indexing Profile and Generate Indexed Records
Review details for indexing transactions Reviews all recurring costs transactions for a lease that have been adjusted by indexing. Review and Export Lease Indexing Transaction Details
Archibus Administrator
Define Indexes Define the indexes referenced in your lease agreements.

Define Indexes

Tips for Defining Index Codes and Index Names

Importing Index Values into Archibus

Set application parameters for the BASE RENT cost category. Enter any alternate names for the BASE RENT cost category as application parameters. This ensures that the application will include these costs when calculating indexing adjustments. Enter Alternate Names for the RENT - BASE RENT Cost Category

See Also

Editing Lease Indexing Profile Information

Indexing Calculations