Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Invoice Cost Wizard

Manage Invoices

From the Manage tab of the Invoice Cost Wizard, you can print a single invoice, or you can batch print all invoices for a building, property, lease or account. After the invoice has been sent, you can track the payment amounts you receive and the date you receive these amounts. The Manage tab shows all invoices that were issued, but are not yet fully paid.

From the Manage you can manage issued invoices by:

Note: To work with credits using the Invoice Cost Wizard, you can create a cost and enter a negative value in the Amount - Income for the cost. When you associate this cost with an invoice, the invoice shows a negative amount, and could therefore be tracked as a credit.

Note: To restrict the list of invoices shown on this tab, you can use the smart search console by clicking the + sign that appears when you mouse over a column header. The smart search console enables you to restrict the list by any column header, including Invoice Number and Send To. See Smart Search Consoles.

About Prepayments

If you receive a payment that is greater than the Amount Balance for the invoice for a business contact, you can designate the amount overpaid to be a prepayment amount that you can apply to future invoices. You can view a list of prepayments by business contact by selecting the View Prepayments task.

If you enter a payment amount for an invoice that is greater than the invoice's Amount Balance, you are asked if you want to designate the amount overpaid as a prepayment. You can also add a prepayment directly from the Manage tab by selecting an invoice and clicking Add Prepayment.

For example, if you receive a check from a business contact for $20,000, and there is not currently an open invoice for that customer, you can create a prepayment record for $20,000 by clicking Add Prepayment from the Manage tab. Suppose an invoice for $5,000.00 is eventually issued for this customer. You can then allocate $5,000 from the $20,000 prepayment to this invoice by clicking Apply Prepayment and selecting this prepayment record.

When you add this prepayment:

Printing Invoices

Invoices are generated as paginated reports. Paginated reports are in Word 2007 DOCX format, and can be viewed using Open Office or Word. There is a free viewer for those who do not have Word, and a free plug-in for those who are not running Word 2007. See Working with Paginated Reports.

You can print a single invoice, or you can batch print invoices for a building, property, lease or account.

To print an invoice:

  1. Select Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Invoice Cost  Wizard, and select the Manage tab.
  2. From the Filter console, select to show costs associated with leases, buildings, properties, or accounts. and click Show.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Select a single invoice to print, and click Print Invoice.
    • Select Print All to print all invoices meeting the restriction you set.

    The Paginated Report View dialog appears.

    Once the invoice is generated, you can open the file in Microsoft Word by clicking the file name in the Result View or File column. From Word, you can print the invoice, and save it to your hard drive. You can also right-click the file name link, and select Save Target As to save the file to your local drive without opening the invoice.

Applying a Payment to an Invoice

To apply a payment to an invoice:

  1. Select an invoice and Click Apply Payment.

    The Apply Payment to Invoice pop-up window appears. The top portion of the screen is read-only; it shows information entered for the invoice you selected. The first field shows Payment From; this is the Send To recipient selected when the invoice was created.

  2. You can enter the following information:

    Payment Date: The date the payment was received.

    Amount Payment: Total payments made so far to this invoice. If you receive an overpayment, you can enter the amount received and it will be used to create a prepayment amount that can be applied to other invoices for the business contact.

    Payment Number: The number of the check used to make the payment.

    Payment Method: Select a payment method from the list.

    Payment Description: Enter a description of the payment in this memo field. This information is added to the Payment record that is generated when you save this payment.

  3. Click Save.
  4. When you save the payment, the following occur:

    The system generates a record in the Invoice Payments table recording the payment amount, the check number, the system date, and the description.

    The system updates the Amount Paid field of the Invoice record by adding the Amount Payment value you enter to this value.

    For example, suppose you have an invoice for $1500.00 and receive a $200.00 payment. The system adds $200.00 to the Invoice record’s Amount Paid field and updates the Amount Invoice field to $1300.00. You next receive a $400.00 payment; when you add the payment and click Save, the system updates the Invoice’s Amount Paid field to $900.00 and creates a second Payment record for this invoice.

    If the Amount Paid is greater than the Amount Invoice, you are asked if you want the overpayment to be allocated to a prepayment record. Select Yes to create a prepayment amount that you can apply to other invoices for this business contact. If you Cancel this action, you can start again and apply a different payment amount to the invoice.

    When you apply a payment that results in the Amount Paid value equaling the Amount Invoice value, the system updates the Invoice record’s Invoice Status to CLOSED, sets the Cost record’s Cost Status to RECEIVED, and update the Date Paid value of the Costs table with the system date.

Applying Prepayments

To verify whether there are prepayments for the business contact, use the View Prepayments report.

To apply prepayments:

  1. Select the invoice the payment is for.
  2. Click Apply Prepayments.

    The Apply Prepayments to Invoice dialog appears. The invoice information is shown for the invoice you select.

  3. Select a Payment Code for the Prepayment.

    The Select Value list shows invoice prepayments for the contact that matches the Send To field for the selected invoice. The payments shown are not associated with an invoice, and have an Amount - Income that is greater than zero.

    If there are no prepayments for this business contact, the Apply Prepayments to Invoice dialog has the message "No prepayments from this contact."

  4. Enter the amount to apply to the invoice in the Amount from this prepayment to apply to invoice field.
  5. Click Save.

    When you save the prepayment, the system:

    • Creates a new invoice payment record for the selected invoice with the applied amount.

    • Updates the existing overpayment record to reflect the allocation of money to this invoice.

    • If the amount balance is 0 for the selected invoice:

  • Closes the invoice.
  • Sets all associated Cost's statuses to Received and updates the Date Paid field to the payment date.

Adding a Prepayment

To add a prepayment:

  1. Click Add Prepayment

    The Add a Prepayment dialog appears.

  2. Enter the following required field:

    Payment From: Select the business contact from the list of contacts.

  3. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Payment Number: The number of the check used to make the payment.

    Payment Date: Select the date paid.

    Payment Description: Enter a description of the payment in this memo field. This information is added to the Payment record that is generated when you save this payment.

    Payment Method: Select a payment method from the list.

    Amount Payment: Enter the amount of the prepayment.

  4. Click Save.

    When you click Save, a message appears letting you know that a new invoice payment record was created and the values for the record are shown. You can select this payment when adding prepayments for this business contact.


You can view details for closed invoices on the View Closed tab.