Capital Projects / Capital Budgeting

Allocate Funding (Process Overview)

After a project has been approved, you assign funds for executing the project. You assign funds to the project for each fiscal year.

Before allocating funds, you can optionally create multiple funding scenarios to compare. If you create funding scenarios, you have the option to apply a funding scenario to your funding allocation. For information on creating funding scenarios, see Creating Funding Scenarios.

For a description of the workflow for the Capital Budgeting application, see Capital Budgeting Application Overview.


To allocate funding, work through these steps:

  1. Define funding sources: Prior to allocating funding, you must define your funding sources. For more information, see Entering Funding Sources.
  2. Optionally, review Capital Budgeting Reports. These reports provide you with a picture of your current projects and costs. See Reviewing Capital Budgeting Reports.
  3. Allocate funding: To allocate funds, copy a funding allocation scenario, or enter new funding allocation data. See Allocating Funds.

After allocating funding, you can generate a capital budget from project data. See Generating a Capital Budget from Project Data.