System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration

Setting the Application Parameters (service requests and work requests)

As part of configuring the way the SLAs route work through the system, system integrators also need to set the application parameters for service requests and work requests. You can set these parameters using the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task. From here, you can see the complete list of application parameters for each application.

You can also edit the message text that is sent with notifications. See the System Integrator / Manage Notifications task.

Below is a partial list of parameters that you may want to set:


  1. Load using the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task.
  2. In the left panel, choose AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork or AbBldgOpsHelpDesk (for Service Desk). The system then lists all application parameters for the selected application so that you can review or edit the values. The Parameter Description field provides information about the behavior that each parameter controls.
  3. After changing an application parameter, you must do one of the following for the change to take effect: