Properties Table: Field Reference

Property is a registry for your real property inventory that enables you to track buildings, structures, and land. Property is classified as either land or structure, and can have buildings, costs, parcels, taxes, and assets assigned to it.

A few of these fields are used by the Archibus Client / Server applications and are not used in the Web Central applications. When a field is not currently used, this is noted in the Purpose column.

This topic documents all the Properties table fields. The table is sorted alphabetically by Field Heading.

Field Heading Field Name Purpose Archibus Type
# of Parking Spaces qty_no_spaces This field stores your entry for the number of parking spaces that this property offers. The value is shown in the Amenities by Property report. None
# of Parking Spaces - Calculated qty_no_spaces_calc This was used by Archibus Client / Server to record parking spaces developed in CAD. It is not currently used. Calculated
Account Code ac_id Use this field to store the account to which expenses related to this property are billed by choosing a value from the validating Accounts (ac) table. None
Address 1 address1 This field stores the complete street address, for example: 18 Tremont Street. The Address 1 field is used (along with the State Code and City Code) to place the property on the map when you run the geocode action (Calculate location for new item.). None
Address 2 address2 This field stores any additional address information. Address 2 is used to place the item on the map only if Address 1 is left blank. None
Airport Distance air_dist Use this field to record the distance from the property to the nearest airport. This information is important to brokers trying to sell or lease a property. None
Airport Name air_name Use this field to store the name of the airport nearest to the property. This information is important to brokers trying to sell or lease a property. None
Area - Bldg. Est. Rentable area_bl_est_rentable Use this field to store an estimate of the rentable areas in all buildings located on this property. None
Area - Bldg. Int. Gross area_bl_gross_int

The field is the sum of the Internal Gross Area values for all buildings assigned to this property. Use this field to assess a building's total floor area. This field is calculated when you generate the Property Abstract report.

Area - Bldg. Rentable area_bl_rentable

Rentable area indicates the total income-producing area of a building, and is useful for analyzing the economic potential of a building.

This area appears in the Property Abstract, Building Abstract, and Property & Building Benchmarks reports.

Archibus calculates this area when you generate the report. However, a building's rentable area is summed from its floors' rentable areas. Archibus calculates a floor's rentable area by subtracting its vertical penetration areas from the internal gross area when you run the Update Area Totals action.

Area - Bldg. Usable area_bl_usable

This area is the sum of the Area Usable for all buildings assigned to the property. Use this area to review the actual occupiable area for all buildings on the property.

This value appears in the Property and Building Benchmark reports. Archibus calculates this area when you generate the report. However, a building's usable area is summed from its floors' usable areas. Archibus calculates a floor's usable area by subtracting the floor's service areas and vertical penetration areas from its internal gross area when you run the Update Area Totals action.

Area - CAD area_cad If you represent the property area with an asset symbol, the system completes this drawing-driven field with the area represented by the asset symbol. CAD
Area - Lease Measured area_lease_meas Use this field to review the total leased area on a property that can be charged for. The Area - Lease Measured is summed from suites, groups, or rooms, depending on the lease area method you have selected. The Area - Lease Measured is the sum of the Area Meas. Rentable for all leases on the property. To be included in the calculation, these measured areas must be associated with a lease for one of the buildings on the property. Archibus calculates the Area - Lease Measured when you generate the Property Abstract or Property and Building Benchmarks reports. Calculated
Area - Lease Negotiated area_lease_neg

Sum of the Area - Neg. Rentable entered for each lease for the buildings belonging to the property. The Area - Neg. Rentable is the area to which the landlord and tenant agree and which is specified in the lease agreement document. Discrepancies found when comparing measured and negotiated area values can indicate leases that need to be renegotiated.

This measurement appears in the Property Abstract and Building Abstract reports; the value is calculated when you generate the report.

Area - Manual area_manual This field stores the number of acres this property occupies. For land, you can view the estimated area by geographical location in key performance indicator charts. None
Area - Non- Permeable area_non_permeable If you have developed runoff asset symbols in your drawing, the system calculates the non-permeable area using your runoff areas. Calculated
Area - Parcel area_parcel If you have developed parcel asset symbols in your drawing, the system sums the parcels assigned to this property and records the value in this field. Calculated
Area - Parking area_parking_total If you have developed parking spaces in your drawing, the system sums the areas of these asset symbols to this field. Calculated
Area - Permeable area_total_permeable If you have developed runoff areas in your drawing, the system calculates the property’s permeable area by summing the runoff areas assigned to the property. Calculated
City Code city_id This field stores the city for the property. The City Code is validated by the Cities (city) table. When you run the geocode action (calculate location for new item), the application uses the City Code field (along with the State Code and Address 1) to calculate the longitude and latitude for a building, so that you can see it on map views. None

Use this field to store additional information, such as a brief description of the property location, condition, amenities, or dates of any renovations or modifications.

Corporate Unit unit Currently not used. None

Country Code

ctry_id This field stores the country for the property. The Country Code is validated by the Countries (ctry) table. You can use this field to filter reports by country, such as Portfolio Items by Location. None
County Code county_id This field stores the county for the property. You can use county data to record taxes that the county assesses. County data is not part of the geographic hierarchy required to view KPI charts. The County Code is validated by the Counties (county) table. None
Date - Book Value Assessed date_book_val This field stores the date the book value was determined. Having this date helps you evaluate if the book value needs updating. None
Date Costs Calculated date_costs_last_calcd When you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Benchmark, and Undeveloped Properties reports, the costs shown in the report are calculated. The date the costs are calculated is stored in this field. None
Date Costs End date_costs_end When you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Benchmark, and Undeveloped Properties reports, the Summarize Property Costs action runs. Costs are calculated using the Date Start and Date End you select. The Date End value for the last time the report was generated is stored in this field. None
Date Costs Start date_costs_start

When you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Benchmark, and Undeveloped Properties reports, the Summarize Property Costs action runs. Costs are calculated using the Date Start and Date End you select. The Date End value for the last time the report was generated is stored in this field.

Date Disposed date_disposal The date the property was disposed of. This date is entered in the Asset Disposal Console. None
Date Market Value Assessed date_market_val The date you assessed the property's market value. This date helps you evaluate if the market value needs updating. None
Date Sold date_sold The date the property sold. Tracking the date sold along with the price the property sold for is important for spotting real estate trends. None
Date Purchased date_purchase The date the property was purchased. None
Description description Enter a brief description of the property. Desc
Detail Drawing detail_dwg Not currently used in Web Central. It was previously used in Archibus Client / Server. None
Disposal Comments comment_disposal When a property is disposed of using the Asset Disposal Console, use this field to store any comments about the disposal. None
Disposal Type disposal_type This field describes how the asset was disposed of, for example, by selling, donating, or discarding. None
Drawing Name dwgname Not currently used in Web Central. Dwgname
Entity Handle / Unique ID ehandle If you represented the property with an asset symbol in a drawing, the system automatically completes this field with the asset symbol’s entity handle. When querying the drawing, the Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD uses the values in the Entity Handle field to quickly find the asset symbol. Ehandle
Expense - Oper. Total cost_operating_ total

This amount summarizes a property's operating costs as net income; the operating expenses are subtracted from any incidental income for the OPERATING EXP cost type.

Calculated as :
Sum of (Income minus Expense) values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is OPERATING EXP

This field is calculated when you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Benchmark, and Undeveloped Properties reports.

Expense - Other Total expense_other_total

Use this field to review summarized expenses for cost types other than the major categories of TAX, UTILITY, or OPERATING EXP. If these "other" costs also have income amounts, this income is summarized in the Income Total amount.

Calculated as:
Sum of (Expense) values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is NOT IN (TAX, UTILITY, OPERATING EXP.)

This value is calculated when you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Abstract, and Undeveloped Properties reports.

Expense - Tax Total cost_tax_total

This amount summarizes a property's tax costs as net income; the tax expenses are subtracted from any incidental income for the TAX cost type.

Calculated as:
Sum of (Income minus Expense) values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is TAX.

This amount is calculated when you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Benchmark, and Undeveloped Properties reports.

Expense - Utility Total cost_utility_total

This amount summarizes a property's utility costs as net income; the utility expenses are subtracted from any incidental income for the UTILITY cost type.

Calculated as:
Sum of (Income minus Expense) values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is UTILITY

This amount is calculated when you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Benchmark, and Undeveloped Properties reports.

GIS Object ID gis_objectid When using advanced map features, if you are maintaining asset geometry outside the Archibus environment (rather than with the Smart Client Extensions), you export this field from ArcGIS Map Services, so that it can be imported into Archibus. None
Graphic - Map image_map Use this graphic field to enter the file name, with extension, of a map of the property. This graphic file can be displayed in the Property Abstract report. Graphic
Graphic - Property image_file Use this graphic field to enter the file names, with extensions, of an image of the property. This graphic file can be displayed in the Property Abstract report. Graphic
Highway Distance int_dist Use this field to record the distance from the property to the nearest highway. This information is important to brokers trying to sell or lease a property. None
Highway Name int_name

Use this field to record the name of the highway nearest to the property. This information is important to brokers trying to sell or lease a property.

Income - Total income_total

This field is calculated to store income-producing costs for a property, for example, fees or rent you receive from a tenant. This amount summarizes income for a property for any cost types that are not TAX, UTILITY, or OPERATING EXP.

Calculated as:
Sum of ( Income ) values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is NOT IN (TAX, UTILITY, OPERATING EXP.)

This value is calculated when you generate the Property Abstract, Property and Building Benchmark reports.

Internal Rate of Return cost_irr Complete this field with appropriate values if you wish to include this information in your property financial and abstract reports. The system does not calculate these values; you must determine these amounts and then complete the field. None
Land / Structure property_type

Record whether this property is a structure or land. This field enables you to track both types of property. For example, by defining property as structure or land, you can review information for these portfolio items in the Buildings /Structure / Land by…Country / Region / State / City / Site / Property report.

Land Acres area_land_acres Enter the number of acres this property occupies. None
Land Is land_is

Use this field to indicate the ownership status of the property’s land. For example, if you own all the land, complete this field with "Owned."

Latitude lat The property's latitude that is calculated from the property's street address (Address 1 field), City and State Codes when you run the Geocode action for the property. Used to place the property on a map view. These values are calculated for a property when you run the geocode action (globe button with tool tip Calculate location or new items) from the Manage Structures by Location or Manage Land by Location tasks. Calculated
Longitude lon The property's longitude that is calculated from the property's street address (Address 1 field), City and State Codes when you run the Geocode action for the property. Used to place the property on a map view. These values are calculated for a property when you run the geocode action (globe button with tool tip Calculate location or new items) from the Manage Structures by Location or Manage Land by Location tasks. Calculated
Number of Buildings qty_no_bldgs This fields stores your entry for the number of buildings located on the property. None
Number of Buildings - Calculated qty_no_bldgs_calc The system calculates this field by summing the number of buildings associated with this property. The value is shown in the Amenities by Property report. Calculated
Option 1 option1 This field is available to use when customizing the application. None
Option 2 option2 This field is available to use when customizing the application. None
Other Name other_name Use this field to document other names under which the property may be known, such as Corporate Headquarters. None
Parking Acres area_prkg_acres Use this field to store the number of acres devoted to parking spaces. None
Pending Action pending_action This field stores the description of where the property is in the disposal process. These values come from the enumerated list: N/A (for not being considered for disposal); Mark for Disposal; Mark for Donation; Mark for Evaluation; Mark for Refurbish; Mark for Repurpose. None
Percent Owned pct_own Enter the percentage of the property owned by your organization. None
Postal Code zip Use this field to store the postal code. The postal code appears in some reports, such as the View Buildings by Building Status report. You can sort this report by Postal Code. None
Property Condition condition

Property assessments should update the value of this field to reflect the current condition of the asset as .New; Excellent; Good; Fair; Poor; or Bad . These values are stored in an enumerated list. The condition of an asset is a key factor in optimization analysis.

Primary Contact contact1 Enter the name of the primary contact for this property. Note that this field is not validated. None
Property Code property_id The unique identifier for the property. None
Property Fronts On fronts Use this field to document the area that the property faces, such as Ocean, River, or Road. None
Property Headcount qty_headcount

This is the sum of the Building Occupancy value entered for each building assigned to the property. You enter the Building Occupancy using the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

This value is calculated when you generate the Property Abstract report.

Property Is prop_is

Use this field to indicate the ownership status of the entire property. For example, if you own the entire property, complete this field with "Owned."

Property Name name Enter a descriptive name for the property. Desc
Property Occupancy qty_occupancy Enter the number of people who work in the buildings on this property. The Property Occupancy value is used in the Property Summary and Property and Building Benchmark reports to calculate benchmarks, such as the Yearly Income per Occupant. None
Property Photo prop_photo Select an image to include it in reports, such as the Leases and Suites by Buildings or Leases by Structures / Land reports (Portfolio application), or the Building / Structure / Land / Lease Details reports (Leases application). Document
Property Status status

This field stores the ownership status of the property. The system can generate the status based on information you enter for the property. For example, when you select Owned or Leased on the Portfolio Edit Wizard using the Real Property application, the system sets the property's status as Owned or Leased according to your selection. As you enter information for the property throughout its lifecycle, the system can update the status. For example, when you set the Disposal Type for a property to Donate, Discard, or Sell, the Property Status is set to Donated, Disposed, or Sold according to your selection. At other times, you set the status manually.

The Status field is used to help identify assets to be evaluated for disposal, refurbishment, or repurposing.

See Status Definitions for Assets for a description of all statuses.

The Property Status is shown in the asset registry.You can also review property status in the Properties or Buildings by Property Status, All Properties Yearly Financial Summary by Country, Property Financial Summary, and Undeveloped Properties reports.

Property Use use1 Select the description of how this property is used (office space, mixed use, hotel). Property Use is shown in property financial reports to help you evaluate property financial data by the property's use. None
Property Value - Book      
Property Value – Market      
Property Value - Land property.value_land    
Property Value - Building property.value_bldg    
Property Value - Extras property.value_extras    
Purchase Price cost_purchase

This field stores the price you paid for the property.

Note: The metrics shown on the Optimization tab of the Asset Lifecycle Console use the Purchase Price from the Ownership Transaction table, not the Purchase price stored for the property.

Purchased From purchased_from This field documents the person or entity you purchased the property from. None
Real Property Unique Identifier grp_uid

Archibus provides the non-validating Real Property Unique Identifier (grp_uid) field in the Property (property), Building (bl) and Equipment (eq) tables for deployments looking to link US Federal Registry assets to Archibus asset inventory tables.

Region Code regn_id Use this field if you report on properties in terms of regions. This field is validated by the Regions (regn) table. None
Return On Investment cost_roi Complete this field with the appropriate values if you wish to include this information in your property financial and abstract reports. The system does not calculate this value; you must determine this amount and then complete the field. None
Secondary Contact contact2 Enter the name of the secondary contact for this property. Note that this field is not validated. None
Selling Broker selling_broker Use this field to record the broker who sold the property. None
Selling Commission selling_commission When you sell the property, use this field to record the selling commission. This can be helpful for spotting real estate trends None
Selling Price cost_selling The price the property sold for. Tracking the price is important for spotting real estate trends. None
Services Used services Use this field to record the municipal services that the property requires, such as Sewer, Water, Electric, and Gas. These services are shown in the Property Abstract, Land or Structure Details, and the Amenities by Properties reports. None
Site Code site_id You can use the Site Code field to represent the campus on which a property is located. This field is validated by the Sites (site) table. None
Sold To Sold To The party that purchased the property. Tracking the party who purchased a property is important for long-term reporting requirements, such as hazardous waste liability which is not limited by the sales transaction. None
State Code state_id This field stores the state where the property is located. Validated by the States (states) table. None
Street street The street address of the property that you enter when adding the record for the property. None
Suite Occupancy qty_su_occupancy

The applications sums the Suite Occupancy values assigned to all suites for all leases for the buildings on the property. This value is calculated when you generate the Lease Abstract Report.

Tax Rate - Property tax_rate_prop

This field is calculated when you run the Update Property Tax Rate action from the Property Abstract report. It is based on costs entered using the property tax type (Cost Category - Tax Rate - Property). These calculations are aggregated from the parcel to the property level. The calculations take into account the most recently paid tax cost, so only actual cost records are used.

Tax Rate - School tax_rate_school This field is updated using the “Update Property Tax Rates” action in the Property Abstract report. For each property, the Tax Rate - School is determined by summing the tax rates for the school tax type. These calculations use the most recent property tax rates, and use the latest paid actual costs. Calculated
Value - Assessed Prop. Tax value_assessed_prop_tax This field is updated using the “Update Property Tax Rates” action in the Property Abstract report. For each property, the assessed value for the property tax is determined by summing the assessed values from all parcels assigned to the property. These calculations use the most recent property tax rates, and use the latest paid actual costs. Calculated
Value - Assessed School Tax value_assessed_school_tax This field is updated using the “Update Property Tax Rates” action in the Property Abstract report. For each property, the assessed value for the school tax is determined by summing the school tax rate and assessed values from all parcels assigned to the property. These calculations use the most recent property tax rates, and use the latest paid actual costs. Calculated
Value - Book   The book value you enter for the property is summed for geographic locations, and is shown in dashboard key performance indicator charts that help you look for profit opportunities in your current portfolio. The Property and Building Benchmark report provides the minimum, maximum, and average for this value for the properties included in the report. None
Value - Market   The market value you enter is summed for geographic locations, and is shown in dashboard key performance indicator charts that help you look for profit opportunities in your current portfolio. The Property and Building Benchmark report provides the minimum, maximum, and average for this value for the properties included in the report. None
Vicinity Type vicinity

This field records the area in which the property is located, such as Suburban Office Park, Industrial, Wharf, or Downtown Office.

You can review this information in the Property Abstract, land or Structure Details, or Amenities by Property reports.

Zoning Type zoning You record the zoning type by selecting a value for this field from enumerated list. You can then review the zoning type in reports, such as the Properties Details, Property Abstract, and Amenities by Property reports. None