Sustainability & Risk / Hazardous Materials / Manage Material Inventory

Assign Material to Rooms Using a Floor Plan

Once you enter an SDS into the system (using the Define Materials and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) task), you can assign it to a room within the facility that houses the material. If you wish to graphically see the room's location on a floor plan, use the Manage - SDS / Assign Material to Rooms Using a Floor Plan task to make the assignment.

Graphically seeing the room location on the floor plan may affect your location decision. For example, if you have a choice of storing a material in two storage rooms on the floor, you may choose the one furthest from the emergency exit so that if the hazardous material were to catch on fire employees would be better able to exit the building.

Note: If you are tracking products at the subroom level (aisle, cabinet, shelf, bin), you can use this task to associate the material with a room and then use the form-based Assign Materials to Locations task to further specify the location down to the aisle, cabinet, shelf, or bin level.  The form-based task is also useful for assigning multiple products to a location at one time.

Assign a material to a location

  1. Select the Sustainability & Risk / Hazardous Materials / Manage - SDS / Assign Product to Rooms Using a Floor Plan task.
  2. Select the floor plan.

    Expand the Site and Building selections to display floors for which floor plans have been published. While the system will allow you to select and display many floor plans, three is a good limit given the typical available screen space. Click Show Selected to display the chosen floor plans in the pane to the right.

  3. Review existing products for a room.

    On the floor plan drawing, the system highlights rooms that have products and associated SDSs. When you mouse over a highlighted room, a text box lists the products assigned to that room.

  4. Select the products.
    Use the SDS console to find the products of interest. If needed, refine the selection by selecting individual products (click in the check box next to the material) or select all of the displayed products by clicking the select all check box in the column heading.

  5. Assign products to a room.
    Click on a room, and the system assigns the selected products to the room. In the pane below the floor plan, the system now shows all of the products currently associated with the room, including your new assignment. If the material applies to another room as well, click on that room and the products will be assigned to the room and listed in the pane. Continue to select rooms until you have completed all material assignments for this floor.

    When finished, clear the active material selection by clicking Clear Selection in the Materials pane.

  1. Enter details for the material at this location.

    After you have assigned the material to one or more locations, you can add detailed information about the material at a particular location; for example, you may want to enter the quantity stored at each location. Click on the material listed in the panel below the floor plan. The system displays a form like the one shown above. Enter the appropriate data and click Save to store the record. When you close the form, you will see =your new values listed with the record.  For information on the fields displayed by this form, see the discussion in Assign Products to Locations Using a Form.

Remove a material from a location

  1. Follow the above steps for filtering the consoles and selecting a room.
  2. Select a room and the system lists the products assigned to that room in the panel beneath the room.
  3. To remove a material from the currently-selected room, select its check-box and click Unassign. If the room contains multiple products, you can select multiple products from the pane and remove them all at once.