Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Parts Inventory

Create and Manage a Parts Inventory

As part of managing your building operations, you may want to integrate a parts inventory system. An electronic parts inventory offers several benefits:

The Parts Inventory process presents the tasks necessary for managing a parts inventory.


  1. Develop your parts inventory and storage locations using the tasks of the Background Data - Maintenance process.
  2. Review parts by vendor.
  3. Manage all aspect of your parts inventory. including: 
    • viewing all storage location inventories. See Storing Parts in Multiple Locations: Overview.
    • bulk transferring parts to redistribute them to the locations needing them
    • creating purchase orders when the part inventory is low, assigning parts to storage locations
  4. In monitoring the inventory, you may need to periodically do the following:
  5. Review reports.


Multiple Storage Locations

Archibus supports multiple storage locations, enabling organizations that exist in multiple geographic locations, or that have a large single campus to decentralize the parts inventory. For example, you can define locations to be warehouses, storage closets or rooms, portable carts, or craftspersons' vehicles.

This offers important benefits:

Integrating the Parts Inventory when Creating and Closing Work Requests