Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - User and Security
System / Mobile Apps Manager

Track Mobile Device Registration

Archibus support a flexible assignment of mobile devices; it does not require that mobile users work with only one device at a time and that they finish their work before handing over the device.

Archibus supports:

The following example shows how one user might mix the above approaches:

Administrators need to know:

The Track Mobile Device Registration task presents the afm_mob_dev_reg_log table, which stores each time a user logs in and logs off a mobile device.

This task is handy for checking if a device needs to be unregistered, for example if the user is no longer actively using the device. A system manager can unregister a device using the System / User and Security / Add or Edit Users and setting the Mobile Device Enabled field to No.

For more information, see Shared Mobile Devices and Multiple Devices per User.