workspace transaction

For a particular time period, a workspace transaction records changes to a room's

Space changes recorded in Workspace Transactions are created when:

Workspace Transaction records are generated from a parent Room record and store room attributes that are subject to change over time and that may include more than one value per room. Each time these attributes change, the system creates a new Workspace Transaction record, with a date range for the time that the attribute was in effect. For example, suppose room 101 has employee Smith assigned to it beginning on January 1, 2010. The system would create a Workspace Transaction record for room 101 for employee Smith with January 1, 2010 as the Start Date, and no value for the End Date. On July 1, 2012, employee Smith is assigned to a new room. The system would update the existing Workspace Transaction record for employee Smith with an end date of July 1, 2012, and would create new Workspace Transaction record to show that room 101 is vacant beginning on July 2, 2012.

Workspace transaction data, such as such as occupancy count, division, department, category, and type is rolled up to the parent Room record. The parent Room record also stores the physical and permanent attributes about a room, such as building and floor, room standard, cost, employee capacity, drawing name, and area.

Within the Archibus schema, the Workspace Transactions table is the rmpct table.

See also workspace transaction feature set.