Archibus SaaS / Space / Background Data - Moves
Space / Moves / Background Data

Develop Questionnaires for Move Forms

You have the option to include additional questions for the move requestor in the move request forms. You can also add questions for data and voice action forms. These questions can be added using the Archibus Web Central interface. You do not have to edit the HTML pages to add these questions.

Questionnaires allow you to add specific questions for each move type. In other words, the questions that appear on the move request form will vary depending on the move type. You can also add questions for users who are adding Move-Data or Move-Voice actions to their move.

For moves, questionnaires are pre-defined for each move type, as well as for the Move-Data and Move-Voice action forms. All that you have to do is add questions to each type of questionnaire.

Note: This topic covers the original questionnaire system. The Compliance application uses the extended questionnaire system which offers additional features.

Questionnaire Data

When users enter answers to the questionnaire questions, the data is saved to the Moves or Action Items table, depending on the type of questionnaire. For questions that appear on the move request forms, the user's response is saved to the move’s Questionnaire Data memo field in the Move Orders table. For questionnaires that appear on the Move-Data action forms or Move-Voice action forms, the data is saved to the Questionnaire Results memo field of the Action Items table.

For more information on questionnaire data, see the Archibus System Management Help.

Move Request Questionnaires

Move Request Questionnaires allow you to add different questions, depending on the move type. In other words, you can add different questions for each type of move request: Employee, New Hire, Employee Leaving, Equipment, Asset, and Room.

In order to add questions to the action forms, you select one of the six questionnaires (such as Move Order-Employee), which each correspond with one of the six move types. These questionnaires have already been defined. Next, you create questions for each questionnaire.

Data and Voice Action Questionnaires

Action Questionnaires allow you to add data and voice questions that will appear on the action forms if you are adding a Move-Data or Move-Voice action. You can define one set of questions for the Move-Data action forms and a different set of questions for the Move-Voice action forms. These questions will appear on the Add Action forms as well as on the Edit Action forms.

In order to add questions to the action forms, you select the questionnaire for the Move-Voice or Move-Data action. These questionnaires have already been defined. Next, you create questions for each questionnaire.

Adding and Editing Questions in Questionnaires

When you set up your questions, you use the Define Move Questionnaires and/or Define Action Questionnaires tasks. You can set up Enumerated, Look Up, or Free Form questions.

After setting up your questions, you test the questions you created in the move request and action forms.

To set up questions in questionnaires:

  1. In Archibus Web Central, access the Define Move Questionnaires task ot the Define Action Questionnaires task, located at the paths listed at the top of this topic.
  2. In the left frame, select the questionnaire for which you want to define a question.
    The existing questions for the questionnaire appear in the Questions frame.
  3. Click Add New in the Edit Task frame.
  4. Enter the Question Name to uniquely identify this question to the system.
  5. If you want the question to appear in the edit form, set Is Active? to Yes. If you want to establish this question now but have it appear on the form at a later time, choose No.
  6. Specify the order in which questions appear on the form by setting Sort Order. The system consults the Sort Order values when determining the order in which to display questions on the form. The question with the lower value is placed first; the question with the highest value is listed last.
  7. Define the question text that you want to appear to users by entering it in the Question Text option.  This text cannot contain special XML characters, such as, <>&’”.
  8. Define the type of question you want to create by completing Format Type. Choose one of the following:
    • Enumerated presents the users with a list of values from which to choose. You define these values with the Enum List field below.
    • Look Up presents a Select Values dialog so that the user can choose values from the table and field specified below in Look-Up Table and Look-Up Field.
    • Free Form presents a blank field so that the user to type in a free-form value.
  1. Depending on the option specified above, set how the user can respond to the question by completing one of the following:
    • If Enumerated is chosen for Format Type, complete Enumeration List with a list of values that the user can choose. Separate the response values with semi-colons.
    • If Look-Up is chosen for the Format Type, complete Look-Up Table and Look-Up Field options with the table and field whose values will display in the Select Values dialog presented to the user.
    • If Free Form is chosen for Format Type, in the Free-Form Width field enter the maximum length of the value that the user can enter in the HTML input form.
  1. If you want the user's response to this question to trigger an action, you can complete Action Type and Action Response fields. The Action Types must already exist in the database.
    • Action Type -- Specifies the type of Action Item to create if the user responds to the question with the value that is specified for Action Response, below. The system inserts the text from the Instructions field of the Activity Types table into the description of the Action Item record it creates.
    • Action Response --  If the user’s response is equal to the value for this field, then the system creates an Action Item record of the Action Type specified above. For instance, if for an Equipment Move? question, this field has a value of Yes, and Action Type above is Move Data, and the user's response is Yes, then the program generates a Move Data Action Item.
  1. Click Save to save the question in the questionnaire.
  2. Repeat this process to add more questions and questionnaires .

To test the questionnaires

For questionnaires defined with the Define Move Questionnaires task:

  1. Access the move request forms for each move type to view the questions you have added.

For questionnaires defined with the Define Action Questionnaires task:

  1. Select the Move Coordinator / Review and Estimate Moves task and select a move request.
  2. Click the Add Action button.
  3. Specify Move-Data as the Move Type and click the Go to Next Step button.
  4. Review the Move-Data questionnaire questions that have been added to the bottom of the page.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to review the questions for the Move-Voice action form.