System / Archibus Application Administrator - Application Configuration

Setting the Application Parameters for Data Deletion

Meter data is stored in the following tables:

Over time, the raw and cumulative data might take significant space and affect data retrieval times for charts. To alleviate this issue, the application parameter, BASSchedDataDelete_AgeMonths, governs the scheduled deletion of older 15-minute, hourly and daily data from the BAS Data - Time Normalized ( bas_data_time_norm_num) table, and all older data in the BAS Data - Clean Numeric (bas_data_clean_num) table.

You enter the number of months after which data should be deleted in the Parameter Value field for the application parameter: 

For meter readings with a time stamp older than the number of months specified by the parameter value, all data in the bas_data_clean_num (input data) table will be deleted, and all hourly and 15-minute data in the bas_data_time_norm_num (summary data) table will be deleted.

If active, the ScheduledDeleteBasSrcDataRecords workflow rule will delete this data on a scheduled basis.

Possible Values: (Integer) x number of months after which the WFR is to delete data. For example, a value of 12 deletes (hourly and 15-minute) data that is 12 months old or older.

By default, these parameters are set to 0. This means that no data is deleted unless you set this application parameter.

Note: Both the Bill Proration and Bill vs Meter Discrepancy alerts rely on the presence of daily aggregates in the database. If the scheduled meter data deletion removes data concurrent with a bill's start and end dates, this functionality cannot be performed for that bill.
For example, if the scheduled data deletion parameter calls for data prior to July 2015 to be deleted, then a bill for June of 2015 cannot be prorated in the Prorate Bills view, or checked for bill vs meter discrepancies.

Procedure: Setting the application parameters that control data deletion

To set the data deletion parameters:

  1. Select the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task.
  2. From the Applications list, select AbRiskEnergyManagement - Energy.
  3. To set a limit on the amount of processed and meter data that is kept:
    1. From the Application Parameters list, select the BASSchedDataDelete_AgeMonthsparameter.

    2. In the Edit Application Parameters pane, enter the Parameter Value. The Parameter Value specifies the number of months after which the workflow rule deletes data. For example, a value of 0 means data will never be deleted, a value of 12 deletes meter and processed data that is 12 months old or older.
    3. Click Save.