Sustainability & Risk/ Health & Safety / Work Categories / Track Employee Work Categories task

Schedule Training for an Employee via Work Category

Once a work category is assigned to an employee, the employee typically must follow the training requirements associated with that work category.

For example, an employee assigned to the Laboratory Technician category might need to attend a yearly lab safety training program and a semi-annual substance handling class.

Use the Track Employee Work Category task to schedule training requirements for an employee based on its work category assignments. Note that although employees are assigned multiple work categories, you must schedule training for one work category at a time. Within a work category, you can choose to schedule the requirements individually or in groups. Note that the employee does not have to be scheduled for every training program associated with the work category. The safety office can pick and choose the work category training opportunities allotted to each individual employee in the work category.

To see a list of existing training dates for an employee:

Before scheduling training based on work category, you may want to check the employee's existing training schedule.

Note that the system shows both past and pending training, as well as items that are derived from the work category and those that are individually entered, such as an incident-related item. You can use the filter buttons at the top of the form to show only pending training, show only routine monitoring, and so forth.

  1. Select Work Categories / Track Employee Work Categories.
  2. In the filter pane, select the employee.
  3. In the left pane, you see all work categories assigned to this employee. Select any work category.
  4. In the right pane select the Add Work Cat. Training tab.
  5. The system displays the training items associated with the work category. For example, a semi-annual review of safely handling substances and a yearly review of lab safety may be required for the selected work category.
  6. Check to see if training requirements have already been scheduled by choosing the See Existing Training button.
  7. The system lists the employee's scheduled training for this work category.

To schedule an employee for the training requirements of an assigned work category:

Before you schedule training, you may wish to view the existing schedule for the employee, as described above.

How the system schedules the requirement is based on the schedule defined for a training requirement. As part of defining each training requirement, a safety officer will have either specified either no schedule or a recurring schedule.

Before scheduling training, you should consider if you want to schedule one training requirement at a time, or schedule multiple requirements at once. For all items that you select in the list, you will enter one date. How the system schedules these specific items depends upon the recurring schedule that is in effect. If you want tight control over the schedule, you may wish to schedule items individually or in small groups.

For example, suppose that a work category requires several training sessions and recurring scheduling is not in effect. If you select all of these requirements together, you select one start date for all requirements and the system will schedule these for the entered date. This could be problematic if each training session runs several hours; you will not be able to do them all on one date.

For tight control over the generated schedule, you may want review the scheduling pattern before you enter the date. You can review the scheduling pattern using the tasks of the Background Data process.


  1. Select Work Categories / Track Employee Work Categories.
  2. In the filter pane, select an employee name.
  3. In the left pane, you see all work categories assigned to this employee. Select a work category for which you want to schedule training requirements.
  4. In the right pane, select the Add Work Cat. Training tab.
  5. The system displays the training items associated with the work category. For example, a yearly lab safety class and a semi-annual substance handling class may be training requirements for the selected work category.
  6. Select one or more training requirements. Note that you will set the same training start date for all requirements that you select.
  7. Click Assign Training to Employee.
  8. In the Select Training Initial Date form, complete the Training Date field to set the date beginning from which the scheduling routine should determine the schedule and generate events. If this requirement does not have a recurring schedule, the requirement will be scheduled on the date that you enter.
  9. Click the Assign Training to Employee button.
  10. The system generates the schedule. If it finds that this training requirements is already scheduled for the time period, it alerts you.
  11. If you wish, you can review the newly scheduled requirements using the See Existing Training button.
  12. To return to the Assign Work Category tab so that you can work with medical monitoring and PPE requirements, choose Cancel.

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