Sustainability & Risk / Health & Safety / Background Data

Defining Work Categories

Work categories identify the type of workers in the company and the training, PPE, and medical monitoring required for employees of this category.

By defining work categories and associating the required PPE, training, and medical monitoring with the category, you can assign employees to one or more work categories and automatically associate them with the PPE, training, and medical monitoring requirements for the category.

You can build a category hierarchy in which a broad category includes several sub-categories (or child-categories). For example, the work category Production Floor Worker might include sub-categories such as CNC Machinist, Tool & Die Maker, and Paint Shop Technician. These categories can, in turn, have sub-categories. This is known as an unlimited-tier hierarchy.

To define a work category:

  1. Select the Health & Safety / Background Data / Define Work Categories task.
  2. Previously defined categories are listed.

  3. Click Add New to open the entry form in the right pane.
  4. In the entry form, enter a name and optional description for the category.
  5. Click Save to record your entry in the database.
  6. The system displays your entered value as the first item in the Hierarchy Trace field (in the format PRODUCTION FLOOR|) and also displays this value in the Work Categories field.

  7. You can now add child categories to this work category.

To define a child category within a parent work category:

  1. In the left pane, select a work category and note its information is displayed in the right pane.

    The Hierarchy Trace field indicates the parent category.

  2. Click Add New Child Record.
  3. In the Work Category field, enter a name. You can also enter a description for this child record.
  4. Click Save.

    The system creates the child category and displays it under the parent in the left pane. In the Hierarchy Trace field in the right pane, the system lists the parent and child categories, such as PRODUCTION FLOOR|CNC MACHINIST.

Create additional child categories as needed to build out the hierarchy of your organization. For example, you might develop work categories of PRODUCTION FLOOR|CNC MACHINIST|APPRENTICE and PRODUCTION FLOOR|CNC MACHINIST|MASTER. Before you choose the Add Child record, review the Hierarchy Trace field so that you know the level at which you are adding the child