Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD
Archibus SaaS / Assets / Equipment
Assets / Asset Portal / Equipment
Assets / Assets / IT Asset Manager
Assets / Enterprise Assets / IT Asset Manager
Assets / Telecom Assets / Telecom Management

Draw Jacks

Your site can choose to document their jack inventory with a jack plan, in which jacks are represented on CAD floor plan drawings. To create a jack plan, a CAD specialist needs to add jack asset symbols to the existing floor plan drawings.

Typically, someone at your site will have already defined jack standards and other background data about the facility. The CAD specialist should have previously defined jack blocks and developed a CAD room plan.

Although you can represent specific jacks on your floor plan drawing, many sites represent only faceplates in CAD. Although the jacks are not represented in CAD, users do track their telecom connections to the jacks contained in faceplates. Your site should assess the detail to which you need to track faceplates and jacks in CAD drawings.

Jacks are represented on the Jack (JK) asset layer and are registered to the Jacks (JK) table.


  1. In CAD or in Archibus Smart Client, move to the appropriate process (listed at the top of this topic).
  2. If you are working in Smart Client and CAD is not active, select the Draw Jacks task. The task presents the Drawing List so that you can choose a drawing to work on. Choose the drawing, and Archibus loads your CAD tool, displays the selected drawing, and makes CAD the active application.
  3. In CAD, open a drawing (if necessary).
  4. Prepare the drawing for working with jacks by choosing Set Jacks on the CAD Navigator.
  5. Depict the floor's jacks by inserting jack blocks. There are several methods. For your convenience, commands for these methods are listed on the CAD Navigator.
  6. Data edit the blocks to convert them to asset symbols and register them in the database. Complete the following fields:
  7. So that your faceplate plan can be viewed using Archibus Web Central, run the Publish Enterprise Graphics command (located on the CAD Navigator for your convenience) to publish your drawing as an Archibus Enterprise Graphic file.
  8. You can now view your jack plans in reports by accessing Web Central and running the Asset Portal / View Jack Plan task or working the Telecom Console task in Web Central.

See Also

Representing Telecom Devices in CAD

Define Jack Standards

Adding Blocks to Floor Plan Drawings

Creating Asset Symbols by Asset Inserting

Creating Asset Symbols by Populating