3D Navigator

Web Central's 3D Navigator presents 3D enterprise graphics that are generated from Revit 3D models. The 3D Navigator integrates your 3D BIM models directly into your Archibus reports and views.

To generate 3D enterprise graphics, you run the Publish 3D command from Smart Client Extension for Revit.

The Assets / Assets / Asset Manager / Equipment Systems Console and the Space / Space Inventory / Space Manager / Space Console views offer an option to use the 3D Navigator. These views are also available from the Assets SaaS module and Space SaaS module. In the sample HQ projects, floors in building NB have 3D enterprise graphics that can be viewed in the 3D Navigator.

Additionally, your site can add the 3D Navigator to Web Central views. For example views that use the 3D Navigator, see Technologies / User Interface Add-ins / HTML Drawing Views / Web Central 3D Navigator.