Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Getting Additional BIM Parameter Data into Archibus Validated Fields

Archibus ensures that all data entered into the system is self-consistent by disallowing any value that does not conform to the portfolio-wide standards that the real estate and facility management department have established. You typically cannot just catalog Revit parameter data into an Archibus validated field because the Revit parameter values will have inconsistencies.

However, if you have corrected your Revit parameter data by cataloging Revit Parameter Data to Archibus so that the parameters have a valid value, you can read it into the corresponding Archibus field in one step.

Suppose you are working in the Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance / Room Inventory / Draw Rooms view, and have corrected the Option 2 data to be “ACCOUNTING”. You can get this value into the validated “Department Code” (dp_id) field with the following steps:

  1. Restrict the View. Restrict the Archibus view to just records for this building and floor. Use the Grid / By Row command. When the filter row appears, enter in the Building Code (for example,“HQ”) and the Floor Code (for example, “22”).
  2. Enter the Division Code. Departments all belong to a division. For new rooms there is no Division Code. You can fill in an appropriate division in one step. Click the Division Code column header, and invoke the Replace Column command. For Value, select “ELECTRONIC SYS.” from the drop-down list (since this division has the “ACCOUNTING” department). Press OK.
  3. Copy the Department Code. Now copy the “Option 2” values to the Department Code field. Click the Department Code Column Header, and invoke the Replace Column Command. For Value Type, select SQL Expression. For the Value, enter the SQL name of the field “option2”. Press OK. All the values will copy in one step.

You now can perform other Archibus actions – such as reporting and chargeback – from this Revit-derived data.