Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Creating Thematic Highlights in Revit

You can create highlights based on the data created by the Extension for Revit, as this data is stored in the native Revit properties.

To create thematic highlights in Revit:

  1. For a particular view, use the Settings/Color Fill Schema dialog to create a color scheme. You can select from built-in properties (for example,"Department"), or from Archibus additional properties (for example, Room Category). Save this Color Scheme with its own name.
  2. In the Project Explorer, right-click on a Floor view (for example, Project 1/Views/Floor Plans/01) and in the Properties dialog set the Color Scheme for the view to be the scheme you just named.

Now, as you Data Edit properties, the color fill will change as you have defined it for this floor view.

When working with color schemes, remember that Revit only allows one-part keys in its Color Schemes: for instance, you can create themes based on Department assignment, but not on Division and Department assignment -- if the same department name exists in two different divisions, you cannot distinguish the two. Or, to take another example, you can create a theme based on Room Category but not on Room Category and Type. Should you need highlights based on multi-part keys, you may wish to use the Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD, which supports this feature