Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Selecting Multiple Revit Elements

The Archibus Catalog, Edit Data Multiple, and Restrict to Grid commands work on multiple elements. You can either:

If you use "Select Multiple," the Extension places you into Revit's multiple-selection mode that enables you to alternate between single-element selection and windowed selection. Once your selection set is chosen, click the "Finish" button just beneath the ribbon menu to invoke the command.

Selecting Revit elements causes Revit to switch to the Revit menu from the Archibus add-in menu

Whenever you select one or more Revit elements, such as rooms, Revit changes the Ribbon menu from the Archibus add-in menu to one of the Revit menus (for example, the Rooms and Areas menu). As a result, you have to repeatedly reselect the Archibus tab.

Asset commands, like Number, enter modes that let you select one or more Revit elements on which the command acts. By selecting multiple elements, you reduce the number of times you need to switch to the Archibus add-in menu.

Alternately, you may wish to change the Revit Tab Display Behavior from the Revit / Options dialog.