Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Publish Parameters

The Publish Parameters command publishes all Revit parameters to the BIM Parameter Values (bim_param_vals) table in the Archibus database. The data is published in a form that can be viewed and processed using Web and database facilities. The command publishes all selected data – including wall finishes, dimensions, COBie data, OmniClass data, and so on.


Lifecycle values associated with BIM models – such as division or department assignments, equipment numbers, equipment standards, etc. – are mapped to Archibus data elements using the Archibus BIM Parameters (afm_bim_params) table. This ensures that these values are managed and updated throughout the asset lifecycle as elements are commissioned, reassigned, changed, renovated, or replaced.

However, there is often a large amount of parameter data that is in BIM models and that is not actively managed. For instance, an organization may not have a process for updating the wall finish color, yet may wish to look it up before going on site to paint a particular room of a facility. In this case, the model data may be the best available information.

With the Publish Parameters command, you can all or part of the Revit Parameter information so that it is available to all. Once this data is recorded in the Archibus database, users can search, sort, and summarize it using the standard Archibus features, such as the Archibus View Analysis command. Users can also view the data by creating an ad hoc view of the BIM Parameter Values (bim_param_vals) table from the Views tab of the Smart Client.

For example, you can review the BIM Parameter Values table in Smart Client:

Note: Currently, neither Smart Client or Web Central provides views that utilizes the parameter data. However, many users wish to access the parameter data from the Archibus database for their own use and analysis, and can do so with the below procedure.

Note: You can also publish parameters using the Publish 3D command, which publishes drawings and all associated BIM Parameter data to files in \Archibus\projects\projectName\enterprise-graphics.


  1. From the Ribbon, select Archibus / Enterprise Graphics / Publish Parameters.
  2. The command presents the following form, populated with the categories in your model. Items in the list that are already checked were saved from a previous execution of the command.

Note: The first time that you load the command for a model, it generates the list of categories. In then uses this list for future executions of the command. If you have added new categories since you last used the command, you can click Collect Categories in Model to have the command regenerate the list.

  1. For each category whose BIM parameters you want to capture, select it in the form.
  2. If you want to save your selected categories so that the next time you execute this command the categories are already checked, click Save.
  3. When satisfied with the selections in the list, click Publish.
  4. The command writes the parameter information to the BIM Parameter Values (bim_param_vals) table.
  5. You can now view the published parameters using Smart Client or the View Analysis command.

Tip: When choosing what to publish, keep in mind that Revit parameters can generate a significant amount of data. For instance, take a 20,000 element BIM model with 20 parameters per element. This results in 400,000 elements at approximately 400 bytes per element, or 1.6 MB of data.

BIM Parameter Values table

The BIM Parameter Values table has a 4-part primary key composed of the following fields:

The Bim Parameter Values (bim_param_vals) table includes these fields:

Field Name Field Title Description Example


Building Model Name The name of the model that the parameter comes from srl.rvt
guid Globally Unique ID The unique GUID identifying this object. d0f4b005-0128-4579-9cc5-f17040cef08c
model_level Building Model Level The level of the model holding this item. Level 01
category_id Category The Revit Category for this element. lighting fixtures
parameter_name Revit Parameter Name The name of the parameter. Model Number
parameter_value Parameter Value The value for this parameter as a string. Often holds units as a suffix. EJQ-450324, 23.1 sqft
parameter_value_num Parameter Numeric Value The numeric value for this parameter. Used for summing and averaging values. 23.1