Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Map Asset Standards to Family Symbols

The Mapping Family Symbols to Asset Standards command facilitates associating Revit symbols with Archibus asset standards. Using the Asset Standards to Symbol Mapper is a prerequisite to running the Populate command. The Populate command loads symbols into the drawing by searching for external files per the Revit Family search paths or the User-Defined search path that are set when mapping asset standards to family symbols. See Populate Command.

Using this command, you can:

Procedure: Mapping family symbols to asset standards

  1. From the Synchronization drop-down list on the Archibus ribbon, select the ‘Asset Standards to Symbol Mapper’ command.

    The Asset Standard to Symbol Mapper form appears:

  2. Select the following information:

    Asset Type. Select the Asset Type from the Asset Types drop -down menu.

    Asset Standards. In the Asset Standards list, select the standard to which you want to assign a symbol. The list includes all standards for the asset type you selected. You can sort the columns by clicking on a column header, or drag and drop to change the order in which the columns display.

    Default Search Path. Use the default search path shown in the list, or select a different path from the Default Search Path list.

    By default, at least two search paths are shown in this drop-down list, which are built-in Revit search paths. There might be a third path included if you have previously saved a user-defined search path. To guide your selection, the ‘Save as User Defined’ list consists of a description (Imperial or User Defined) and the actual folder path.

    Select a folder. after selecting a path, drill-down in the Family Browser to the specific folder where the Revit families that you want to map to a standard are located. Selecting a folder shows all the family files (*.rfa) found in the folder selected in the Family Browser.

    Family. In the Families list, click on a family to display the symbols contained in that family.

    Symbols. In the Symbols list, select the symbol to be mapped.

  3. Map the symbol to the standard. Clicking the Map action sets the concatenated family / symbol names for the symbol in the Asset Standards list on the form.
  4. Repeat steps 2 through 3 as needed to set all of the symbol values.
  5. Click OK to save those changes to the database.

Setting a User-Defined Search Path

By default, at least two search paths are shown in the Default Search Paths drop-down list, which are the built-in Revit search paths. These search paths are used by the Populate command to load the families and symbols that are assigned in this form. You can define one additional path that the Populate command will use to load family / symbols. This means there can be up to three search paths.

Note: If you select a family / symbol in this form that does not exist in any of the three possible search paths, then the Populate command is not able to find and load that symbol.

To set a user-defined default search path:

  1. In the Family Browser, navigate to the folder that has the Revit families you want to map to a standard.
  2. Click Save as User Defined.
    • This is now the default path that is displayed when launching the ‘Asset Standards to Symbol Mapper’ form.
    • This additional search path is used by the Populate command (along with the two built-in Revit search paths) to load families / symbols that are assigned in this form.