Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Map Database Fields Command

In most cases, Revit models will have parameter information for occupancy rates, fire codes, or other information that was developed in the architectural phase. The BIM modeler might catalog this information to the Archibus database so that it is available in a consistent format across all elements and models. In this way, the BIM modeler can inspect the information that is there, and if it is useful for lifecycle management, correct any inconsistencies.

This command asks you to select an element, and then presents the list of parameters appropriate for that element and the Archibus Asset Type. You can then map any Revit parameter to an Archibus field.

You change the Source Setting for the field from the Smart Client using the System / CAD and BIM Manager / Archibus BIM Parameters task. You select Model-driver or Database-driven from the list in the Model-Driven or Database-Driven? column.