Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

Filter in Drawing Command

Purpose: Use the Filter in Drawing command to highlight asset symbols in drawings after selecting their records in an Archibus Smart Client grid view. The command highlights all AutoCAD elements that satisfy the current restriction if there are no rows currently selected. This makes it possible to highlight assets associated with data that spans multiple grid pages (and for that reason cannot be selected).

This command switches to the Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD, and highlights the assets corresponding to the rows selected in the grid, or that meet the current restriction. The command starts AutoCAD and the Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD if they are not already loaded.

The Filter / in Drawing command has no effect if the grid doesn’t hold records that are associated with CAD assets. You will receive a message informing you of this condition.

You invoke this command from the Smart Client by selecting Filter / in Drawing from the Ribbon.

To use this command:

  1. In Archibus Smart Client, load a view displaying the asset table for the items you want to select.
  2. Select the records that are connected to asset symbols in the drawing.
  3. From the Smart Client, click theFilter / in Drawing command from the Ribbon.
  4. Task-switch to Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD. The drawing will display just those records attached to the records that you selected in step 2.
  5. In Archibus Smart Client, clear this restriction by clicking the Filter / Clear command on the Ribbon.

Note: A handy way to see connected asset symbols and records is to click the View / Arrange command from the Ribbon in the Smart Client. This will display the Extension for AutoCAD and Archibus applications side-by-side so that you can clearly see linked asset symbols and records when you select them.