Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

Uncatalog command


How to access this command: Click Archibus / Asset / Uncatalog from the Ribbon, or run the command from the command line.

Purpose: Breaks the link between a selected asset symbol and its record, but retains the asset symbol's table name and primary key in its extended entity data so that the items can easily be reconnected at a later date.

In the database record, uncataloging clears the record's Drawing Name and Entity Handle fields, as the record is no longer linked to an asset symbol.

Note that if you want to completely break the connection between an asset symbol and record, you can run the Remove Asset Properties command which removes an asset symbol's table name, and primary key from its extended entity data.

When to Uncatalog Asset Symbols

You may want to uncatalog an asset symbol when it is important to break the drawing and database connection, but not delete the record and component drawing entity. For example, suppose a room asset symbol should be temporarily unclassified while your staff decides if it should be converted to another type of area. Rather than deleting this room asset symbol, which destroys the entity and the room record, you can uncatalog the room, which unlinks the asset symbol and the database record but retains their connection information, which you can use to reconnect the items at a later date.


For reference, this is an example of the data that is stored and retained in the extended entity data for a room after an uncatalog:

See Also

Catalog command

Catalog Layer command