Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Adding a New Asset Type

You can add mappings to work with new asset types in Archibus. For instance, suppose you want to add a mapping between areas and the Groups (gp) table in Archibus.

  1. Create Family Mapping. Create a new entry in the Archibus BIM Families Table (afm_bim_families) that maps to the Groups table areas within any view whose name contains the substring “Group”.
  2. Create Parameter Mappings. Create a series of entries in the Archibus BIM Parameters Table (afm_bim_params), one for each parameter in the Revit model that you wish to link to an Archibus field.


The following is an example of creating a new Archibus asset type for the Revit Doors category, and mapping this asset type:

  1. Create the Family Mapping:
    1. From the Smart Client application, select the System / CAD and BIM Manager / Archibus BIM Families task.

      The Archibus BIM Families table appears.

    2. To map Revit Doors to an Archibus asset table, create a record with the following values:

      Revit Category = Doors

      Archibus Asset Table = dr.

    3. Click anywhere off the record to save it.
  2. Create the Parameter Mappings:
    1. From the Smart Client application, select the System / CAD and BIM Manager / Archibus BIM Parameters task.

      The Archibus BIM Parameters table appears.

    2. To create a link between the Revit Building Code parameter and the Archibus bl_id field, create a new record with the following values:

      Asset Tabledr
      Field Namebl_id
      Revit Parameter NameBuilding Code
      Parameter TypeImplied

    3. Click anywhere off the record to save it.
    4. To create a link between the Revit Floor Code parameter and the Archibus fl_id field, create a record with the following values:

      Asset Tabledr
      Field Namefl_id
      Revit Parameter NameFloor Code
      Parameter TypeImplied

    5. Click anywhere off the record to save it.

Localization Considerations

Localized Parameter Names. Enter in a new parameter mapping for each language you expect to support.