Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

Moving Asset Symbols

Moving asset symbols is similar to moving regular drawing items, but you should be aware of the following behaviors:

This procedure discusses the use of AutoCAD’s Move command, but other AutoCAD editing commands, such as Rotate, Stretch, grip-editing, and Undo, work similarly. The Extension for AutoCAD takes notice of any drawing entity that has been changed, and if it is an asset symbol, make the appropriate updates to the asset text and to the database.

image of a floor plan showing the Move action

To move an asset symbol

  1. Activate the drawing tool and the drawing containing the asset symbols that you want to move.
  2. Click on the asset symbol. Grip blocks appear on each vertex.
  3. From the Ribbon, click the Home / Modify / Move command.
  4. Select a start point and an end point for the move.