Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

Adding Intelligence to Drawings: Which Method to Use?

After creating a drawing item, such as a room, group, an equipment, or a furniture item in a floor plan drawing, you can convert the drawing item to an asset symbol. Converting the drawing item to an asset symbol links the item to a database record and gives the drawing item intelligence. You can use the following commands to add this intelligence. These commands are found on the Archibus tab of the Ribbon.

Command for Creating Assets When to Use
Archibus / Asset / Edit Data

The basic command for creating an asset symbol, or editing data for an existing asset.

Generally, you create room asset symbols using the Archibus / Asset / Number command. However, in some cases, data editing is a more efficient method for creating room asset symbols than data numbering. For example, if you have a non-sequential numbering pattern, have only a few polylines to number, or you wish to explicitly enter your numbers, you will find the Asset / Edit Data command to be convenient.

Archibus / Asset / Edit Data Multiple If you have multiple assets to which you are going to assign the same data, such as a division or department, Edit Data Multiple is an efficient method to do so.
Archibus / Asset / Number

When you have a sequential numbering pattern, such as a pattern for room numbers, it is usually more efficient to use the data numbering method of creating asset symbols. Data numbering assigns unique key values that follow a defined sequential pattern to drawing items you select.

Data numbering is convenient for creating asset symbols with a sequential numbering pattern because you do not have to repeatedly type similar numbers. Instead, you define the numbering pattern and the increment by which the numbers should change just once, and then select the items to which to apply these numbers.

Use Asset / Number for numbered assets. Convert auto-numbered items to assets, using the Insert Asset, Edit Data, or Edit Data Multiple commands.

You can also add a division and department and specify a standard from the Number dialog, if this information is the same for all drawing items you have selected for numbering.

Archibus / Asset Graphic / Insert Asset

When you have defined standards for block or polylines for the asset type, you can use these standards to insert the block or polyline into a drawing.

If the asset type is numbered, and you use Insert Asset to insert it, you must data number or data edit the inserted entity to link it to a record.

For auto-numbered asset types, the Insert Asset command automatically generates a primary key, creates a record for the entity, and links the entity to the generated record. If needed, you can use the Archibus Edit Data or Edit Data Multiple commands to add additional information for the asset, such as division and department.