Archibus Smart Client
Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

Filter in Drawing Command

Purpose: Use the Filter / in Drawing command to highlight asset symbols in drawings after selecting their records in an Archibus Smart Client grid view.

This command switches to the Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD, and highlights the assets corresponding to the rows selected in the grid. The command starts AutoCAD and the Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD if it is not already loaded.

The Filter / in Drawing command has no effect if the grid does not hold records that are associated with CAD assets. You will receive a message informing you of this condition.

To use this command:

  1. In Archibus Smart Client, load a view displaying the asset table for the items you want to highlight.
  2. Select a set of records of the same type, such as a set of room assets.
  3. Run the Filter / in Drawing command from the Ribbon. The command will prompt you to select at least one record
  4. The command switches to the CAD tool, and highlights the assets corresponding to the rows selected in the grid. The command starts AutoCAD and the Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD if it is not already loaded.
  5. Task-switch to Archibus Smart Client. The grid window will display just those records attached to the asset records that you selected in step 3.
  6. In Archibus, clear this restriction by running the Filter / Clear command from the Ribbon.

Note: A handy way to see connected asset symbols and records is to use the View / Arrange command from the Ribbon. This will display your CAD tool and Archibus applications side-by-side so that you can clearly see linked asset symbols and records when you select them.

Note: If you have trouble using this command, either launch AutoCAD from the Archibus Drawing List or start AutoCAD by right-clicking on the AutoCAD icon and selecting Run As Administrator. Depending on your settings, Windows inter-application security might prevent Archibus from controlling AutoCAD, and prevent this command from working (that is; launch a separate instance of AutoCAD rather than communicating with the active instance of AutoCAD).

Retaining and clearing highlights set using the Filter / in Drawing command

Use the Clear check box to determine whether the highlights you set using the Filter/ in Drawing command are kept or are cleared each time you set a different highlight using the command. Selecting the Clear check box clears the highlights, clearing the selection from the Clear check box, retains the highlights. See Clearing and Retaining Highlights Set Using the In Drawing command.