Archibus (non-SaaS) getting started path


  system manager

System Administrator photo

  finding your role

Although situations will vary from site to site, the jobs of the System Manager are typically divided among several staff members. These tasks range from installing, to simple personalization, to integration with other systems.

Use the below table to find the help topics for each role.

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Role Responsibilities Get Started with these Help Topics

You install Archibus Web Central, the Smart Client Extension programs, the Reservation plug-ins, and the mobile apps.

You also configure the Web application server and database server programs.


Archibus Administrator


You set up Archibus to meet the needs of your site, and you configure Archibus for users.

You configure application-level security, configure the entries of the navigation tools, control the presentation of data, and assign tasks to users.

Archibus Application Security

Personalize the Navigator

Personalize the Home Pages

Personalize the Presentation of Data

Support GDPR

SaaS Administrator You manage an Archibus SaaS deployment. Overview
CAD and BIM Manager You manage drawings and their repository, control drawing properties, and control the Revit environment.

Administer Document Management for Drawings

Integrate Revit Model Data

Extend the Base Archibus for BIM

System Administrator

You are responsible for system-wide tasks such as updating applications and configuring the security service.

You also maintain the database server by managing upgrades and setting up database security.

Upgrade Archibus with the Package and Deploy Wizard

Configure the Security Service

Database Administration Overview

Integrate Archibus and Serraview

Add-in Manager

You make changes within the Archibus environment such as customizing the database and changing workflow rules.

You also create new views and change existing views either by using the View Definition Wizard or directly editing files.

Add-in Manager: Overview
System Integrator

You integrate Archibus with other environments, applications, and devices.

You also extend the drawing environment by working with AutoLISP extensions.

Audit Database Activity

Use Web Services

AutoLISP Extensions

Software Engineer When your site requires views and workflow rules that do not conform to the standard Web Central user interface extensions, you program views and workflow rules using the Web Central JavaScript API.

Advanced Engineering Skills

Use JavaScript to Extend Views and Workflow Rules

Localization Coordinator You prepare to translate Archibus applications and the Archibus programs into other languages. Localization Coordinator: Overview
Mobile Apps Administrator You change the forms that appear in the Archibus mobile apps and use the Archibus Mobile Framework to define your own mobile apps. Mobile Apps Administrator: Overview