Archibus SaaS / Maintenance
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance

Concept: Tracking a Craftsperson's Daily Schedule

Effective PM planning and labor scheduling requires knowing the availability of labor. With the craftsperson daily schedule feature, you can track the times that craftspersons are available. You can account for:

Schedule Type Explanation

Organizations will often have multiple craftspersons that work the same hours. Administrators who manage a craftsperson's hours can use the daily schedule feature as an easy method of defining a shift that they can apply to any number of craftspersons, instead of always defining identical individual schedules for each person.


Craftsperson hours sometimes vary depending on the season or time of the year. Seasonal schedules have starting month/day and ending month/day, and are consistent each year. Administrators can define seasonal schedules once, without having to continually modify the hours every time the season changes.


Some craftspersons do not have a regular working schedule. Instead, their hours are determined for the upcoming week or month, and those hours are not consistent. For these cases, craftspersons hours are defined with specific dates.

future changes to a regular schedule Administrators can enter an upcoming change to a craftsperson's regular schedule before that change actually occurs. If a craftsperson's schedule will change at a specific date, the supervisor will know about when scheduling work.
variances in the regular schedule

Any one-time change to a craftsperson's schedule, such as vacations or company meetings make a craftsperson unavailable for working on work requests and are accounted for in the system.

site visits

Some craftspersons make periodic visits to sites or buildings to perform backlogged work at that location. Knowledge of these site visits is valuable to supervisors who want to assign work to a craftsperson during the time of a scheduled visit.

The daily schedule feature accommodates the above situations by offering three types of schedules:

A craftsperson's schedule is often a combination of these types of schedules. For example, a craftsperson might typically work a set shift of 9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday. Since this is a typical working pattern, you could define this as a shift using the Background Data / Manage Craftsperson Shifts task and assign it to the craftsperson. However, during the summer months the craftsperson might work every Saturday morning; you could define this as a custom schedule for this time period. Finally, you can define holidays, vacations, meetings, and so on with schedule variances.

Once each craftsperson's daily schedule and scheduled variances are defined, the supervisor can access this information in the Labor Scheduler, and can measure craftsperson and trade utilization. The system also uses this information to aggregate craftsperson hours by trade and work team to provide maintenance managers with accurate labor availability metrics, which helps avoid labor shortages.

Setting a daily schedule and its variances requires working with several forms and tasks, as summarized below.

Activity Description When Performed Task
Define craftspersons Define craftspersons and add or remove from the work team. When craftspeople are hired, transferred, or leave. Depending on the team size it can be rare or often.

Define Craftspersons / General tab

Define work shifts Define shifts that can apply to any number of craftspersons. Usually done once a year. Manage Craftsperson Shifts
Define fixed schedules For schedules that do not accommodate the defined shifts, define working days and hourly rates per craftsperson. With this method, you set the general schedule for the week and optionally add a seasonal option. Typically at the same time as craftspersons are defined, but also when a craftsperson needs a schedule change. Define Craftspersons / Daily Schedule Tab
Assign work shifts to craftspersons Assign predefined shifts to one or many craftspersons. Typically at the same time as craftspersons are defined, but also when a craftsperson needs a schedule change.

Define Craftspersons / Daily Schedule Tab

-- or --

Manage Craftsperson Shifts

Add schedule exceptions Add vacations, sick days, and other exceptions to any craftsperson's schedule. Whenever there is a need to adjust a craftsperson's schedule. Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances
Define date-based schedule Some craftspersons do not follow any set schedule. In this case, you enter a unique schedule for each date. Often (possibly weekly), if there are craftspersons who follow this model Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances
Define site visits Set a date range for a craftsperson to be at a site or building Often (possibly weekly), if there are craftspersons who follow this model Define Craftsperson Schedule Variances

If you have a license for , you can additionally pull in schedules from your mail server, such as Outlook, to the scheduling tasks. See Using the Archibus Extension for Microsoft Exchange with Craftsperson Schedules.

Tables for craftsperson scheduling

To store craftspersons and their custom schedules, schedule variances, and shift schedules the schema uses these tables:

Table Title Table Name Purpose
Craftspersons cf Stores basic information about the craftsperson.
Craftsperson Schedules cf_schedule

Stores the ID and type of craftspersons' regular daily schedules and shift definitions. Assignments of these schedules to individual craftspersons are stored in the cf_scheudles_assign table.

Craftsperson Schedules Days cf_schedules_days Define the hours for each day of the week that make up craftsperson schedules. Multiple records in this table join to a single Craftsperson Schedule Definition record.
Craftsperson Schedules Assignments cf_schedules_assign Join the craftsperson schedule definitions to craftspersons IDs. Craftspersons can be assigned to multiple schedules for different date ranges. This supports seasonal schedule assignments, as well as future changes to schedules.
Craftsperson Schedule Variances cf_schedule_variances Stores exceptions to the base schedule, such as vacation and site visits.