Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Workflow
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / System Integrator
Workplace Services / Service Desk / System Integrator

Manage Service Desk Roles

As described in Understanding Service Desk Roles, you can assign Service Desk Steps to Service Desk Roles instead of to specific employees. This greatly reduces the number of SLAs that you need to create.

With the Manage Service Desk Roles task, you can:

Note: If you are using the SLA Console to define service level agreements, you can alternately assign an AFM role to an optional step. See Using AFM or Service Desk Roles to Perform Optional Steps for SLAs.

When you load the Manage Service Desk Roles task, the system presents a three-pane form (shown below).

Creating or Editing a Service Desk Role Using Java

To create a new service desk role:

  1. Click Add Role in the upper left pane.
  2. In the right pane, the system displays a form for entering the java class and method.
  1. Complete the form as follows.
Option Description
Service Desk Role Enter a descriptive name for the role.
From the drop-down list, choose the type of step: Confirmation, Approval, Forward, and so on. The values from which you can choose are defined in the schema.
Java Class com.archibus.eventhandler.steps.roles.HelpdeskRoleExamples
Java Method Enter the method, such as getList() or getContact
  1. When you are finished, the system adds the new service desk role to the list of service desk roles in the top left pane.

To edit an existing service desk role:

  1. Click on it in the upper left pane. (Do not select its checkbox.)
  2. The view presents its values in the right pane.
  3. Edit the values as necessary.

See also

Service Desk Role Helper: Overview