Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD

The Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD resides on top of the full AutoCAD program and uses Web Services to sign into and connect to the Archibus server application. Once connected, you can edit asset symbols and update their associated Archibus data without leaving AutoCAD.

The Archibus Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD takes full advantage of Autodesk's .Net technology and uses reactors to extend native AutoCAD commands so that you can run AutoCAD commands on Archibus asset symbols and automatically update the linked records. In addition to interpreting AutoCAD commands, the program provides its own commands, including commands that connect to projects, edit asset symbols, and query asset symbols.


The Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD is available for , as well as.

In Archibus SaaS deployments, the Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD is installed locally and you work with drawings on your hard drive or local network. When you publish drawings as enterprise graphics, the resulting SVG files are published to the Cloud.