space requirement

A description of the immediate or future space needs for an organization, which is usually prepared prior to a major facilities move, renovation, or construction project. A space requirement serves as a needs statement and can be used as a basis for discussing priorities, comparing alternatives, and estimating costs.

If you are working with the Enterprise Assets application, you can include furniture requirements and equipment requirements as part of your space requirement. See asset requirement.

You can generate a space requirement from your current inventory by having the system examine the current inventory in terms of room standard, headcount, or square feet and then summarizing this data to the appropriate level (business unit, division, department, ). If your space requirement represents future space needs (a space forecast), you additionally complete the Period fields to document the projected space requirements of upcoming periods. See .

A space requirement (which defines the requirement name and summary level) has an associated set of that detail the items by which you summarized space needs and the cost and areas of these items. For example, if you sum areas at the division level, the space requirement will have space requirement items documenting the space needs and cost of each division in the inventory. The space requirement items store the projected needs for future periods.

Space requirements are stored in Space Budgets table, and space requirement items are stored in the Space Budget Items table.

You develop space requirements from these tasks:

Once you develop space requirements, you add them to a so that you can experiment with different of the space requirement.

See also: