Web Central

Searching for Views by Title

Suppose you want to load a view but cannot find its task on the Navigator. In this case, you can use search box to search for the view.

Use the Search command, located in the side-bar navigation panel, to search for a form or a report by title. Enter a word contained in the title, such as "equipment" and you will receive a list of views that contain the word "equipment" in their title. Note that you cannot enter the view file name, such as ab-sp-def-emstd.axvw.


The search feature considers your role and the Navigator entries to which you have access and presents in its results list only views that match your role and user settings.


  1. In the search box, type a word contained in the view title, and press Enter. Do not use quotes or wildcards in your search.
  2. Archibus presents a list of views that contain this word in their title.
  3. Click on any listed view in the Search Results to load that view.