Space / Space Inventory / Room Inventory - Set Up & Manage (Transactional)

Separate Allocation from Occupancy Changes (Transactional Method)

The AllocatePctSpaceOnDpChanges application parameter ensures that for chargeback purposes department allocations remain fixed even if occupancy changes frequently. This solves the issue of reporting on departmental allocations through Percentage of Space (rmpct.pct_space) for indirect cost recovery, but occupancy changes affecting the "fixed" percentage allocation.

With this application parameter set to On (1), workspace transactions still log employee changes, but the system adjusts data change events so that the value of the Percentage of Space field (rmpct.pct_space) changes only when there are departmental allocation changes that affect it (for example, going from one department to two); the field's value is not affected when employees are moved into or out of rooms. Also, when you run the Reconcile command after changing room capacities, the program does not change the Percentage of Space field.

As necessary, you can manually adjust department allocation percentages using the Define Workspace Transactions task.

The default is Off (0), which means that employees take up a percentage of space. If a room infers its department allocation from the employee, an employee moving to that room would take his or her department allocation along, and the department allocation and percentage of space for the room might change. If an employee moves to a space such that it becomes over-allocated, the system re-distributes the percentage of space among all employees.

To use this application parameter, first set the InferRoomDepartments parameter to 0 and the AssignUnallocatedSpace parameter to NoChange.

If you do not charge back space for workspace transactions, you do not need to set this parameter.

Set application parameters with the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task.

See also: Chargeback overview.