Archibus SaaS / Space
Space / Space Inventory / Building Performance

Vertical Penetration and Service Area Types

When CAD specialists develop vertical penetration and service areas, they will store them in the Rooms table and Rooms drawing layer. They typically then assign them a room category and room type that indicates that they are not actual rooms that personnel occupy, but are vertical penetration and service areas.

Therefore, before CAD specialists can develop vertical penetration and service areas, you must define the room categories and room types that indicate vertical penetration and service areas. If you want the system to know that a room category represents a vertical penetration area or a service area, complete the room category's Super Category field with Vertical Penetration or Service Area by choosing these from the drop-down list.

You can use the default Vertical Penetration and Service Area room categories (Steps 1, 2, and 3) or you can define your own Vertical Penetration and Service Area room categories (Step 4).

Step 1: Add Default Vertical Penetration and Service Area Room Categories and Types (one-time step)

Archibus provides default Vertical Penetration and Service Area room categories and types, which CAD specialists can assign to the service areas and vertical penetration areas that they create.

If you want to use these default room categories and their corresponding room types, you must add them to the Room Categories table. To do so, you run an action which adds these Room Categories, as well as a set of Room Type values for each. These default Room Category records have Super Category values of "Vertical Penetration" and "Service Area."

Note: You are not limited to using the default Vertical Penetration and Service Area room categories (and their corresponding room types) for your vertical penetration and service areas. If you wish, you can define your own room categories representing these types of areas. Just be sure to set the Super Category field to "Vertical Penetration" or "Service Area" if you want this room category to represent this type of area. See Step 4 below.

  1. Choose the Add Vertical Penetration and Service Area Room Categories task from one of the paths listed at the top of this topic.
  2. Review the newly created VERT and SERV room categories, and their associated room types. Note that these room categories have their Occupiable? value set to No as personnel cannot occupy these types of areas. Also notice their Super Category values of SERV and VERT.
  3. You, or CAD specialists working in the drawing, can now assign areas on your floor to these types of categories. If necessary, you can enter your own room types by working with Step 2 and Step 3 below.

Note: Once you run this task and the SERV and VERT values to the Room Categories table, you do not need to run this task again.

Step 2: Develop Additional Vertical Penetration Room Types for the Default Vertical Penetration Room Category

In Step 1 you added the default Vertical Penetration room category (VERT), as well as many room types associated with this category. If necessary, you can add to the default VERT category your own Vertical Penetration room types that reflect the types of vertical penetrations in your facility.

  1. Choose the Define Room Categories and Types task from one of the paths listed at the top of this topic.
  2. In the tree view in the left pane, select the VERT room category.
  1. If necessary, review the existing types for the VERT category.
  2. Click the Add New button and in the resulting pop-up dialog, choose Room Type.
  3. In the right pane, complete the following information:
  4. Click Save in the upper right corner.

Step 3: Develop Additional Service Area Room Types for the Default Service Area Room Category

In Step 1 you added the default Service Area room category (SERV), as well as multiple room types associated with this category. If necessary, you can add to the default SERV category your own Service Area room types that reflect the types of service areas in your facility.

  1. Choose the Define Room Categories and Types task from one of the paths listed at the top of this topic.
  2. In the tree view in the left pane, select the SERV room category.
  3. If necessary, review the existing types for the SERV category.
  4. Click the Add New button and in the resulting pop-up dialog, choose Room Type.
  5. In the right pane, complete the following information:
  6. Click Save in the upper right corner.

Step 4: Develop your own Vertical Penetration and Service Area Room Categories and Room Types

You are not limited to working with the default Vertical Penetration and Service Area room categories and room types. If you like, you can define your own room categories and room types to represent vertical penetration and service areas. You can name these records with any values that you choose; just be sure to complete the Super Category field of the Room Categories table with the appropriate value to indicate the type of area that this category represents.

  1. Choose the Define Room Categories and Types task from one of the paths listed at the top of this topic.
  2. In the tree view in the left pane, select the Add New button and choose "Room Category" from the pop-up.
  3. In the right pane, define your new room category be sure to complete Super Category with Vertical Penetration or Service Area and to complete Occupiable Area? with No.
  4. For more information on defining a room category and adding room types, see Define Room Categories and Room Types.

See Also

Service Area (Concept)

Vertical Penetration Area (Concept)