Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Provider
Space / Occupancy / Space Manager
Space / Space Inventory / Space Manager

Issuing and Completing Service Requests

As a service provider, you can use the Issue and Complete Service Requests task to review a list of approved service requests that you have either accepted to work on, or have automatically been assigned to you by an SLA. You can review these requests and, depending on the request type, you can issue them when you are ready to begin working on them, can cancel or stop them, or complete them when you are done.

Service Requests for Moves or Department Space

This view can include requests for moves and for department space, and these requests are handled somewhat differently than other request types shown in this view. If your deployment is using the Workspace Transactions (Transactional method), individual moves, group moves, and department space changes are all location attribute changes that originate with a service request. As the Space Manager you are the service provider for these requests, and can manage them from either the Space Inventory, Occupancy, or from Service Desk using the Issue/Complete Service Requests task.

The Issue/Complete Service Requests task presents two panes: Requests Requiring Service and Requests Not Requiring Service as described below.

Requests Not Requiring Service

The Request Not Requiring Service pane lists approved move or department space requests for which you are the Service Provider (assigned by the SLA), and that contain Workspace Transaction information that includes the location information needed to auto-execute on the request without any user intervention.

For example, when a user, such as a department manager, creates a move request that includes location information, and the request is either automatically or manually approved, the workspace transaction logic takes care of all of the seat changes required in the database (in the rmpct table).

For these space-type requests, there’s no need to do anything; the system will auto-complete the request on the move date, or the date to claim or release space. You can review, and, optionally, modify the request assignments, but these actions are optional, as is issuing the request. Issuing the service request removes it from your queue. However, if you do not issue it, the request will be removed from your queue when the system auto-completes it.

These types of move and department space service requests are intended to track occupancy, not to manage all aspects of a move. The SLAs for the Individual and Group Move service requests shown in the Issue/Complete Service Request view have been assigned to an internal service provider; their workflow occurs entirely within the Space applications. These requests do not generate a move order, and are not managed using the Moves application.

Requests Requiring Service

The Requests Requiring Service pane contains:

Procedure: Issuing Requests for Those Requiring Service

Before getting started on the actual work, you need to Issue the request, or for move and department space requests that require service, you need to make the space assignments before issuing the request. This is described in the following procedure.

To issue requests requiring service:

  1. Run the Issue/Complete Service Requests task.
  2. Click Select in the row for an Approved request in the Requests Requiring Service pane. This list might include some requests that are In Progress, so pick a request with the Approved or Accepted status.
  3. One of the following occurs:

    • For Group or Individual Moves or Department Space. If you select one of these request types, a read-only Details tab appears from which you can review information.
      • Make assignments. Click Next and the Assignments tab appears. Use this pane to assign employees to specific rooms for moves, or to select space to release or claim for the Department Manager making the request.
      • For details on using the Assignments tab for moves, see Edit and Issue a Space Service Request.
      • For information on using the Assignments tab to claim or release space, see Changing your Department's Space.
    • For any service request type other than Group or Individual Moves, or Department Space. If you select a service request that is NOT for a Group or Individual Move, or for Department Space, the Update form appears.
      • Update information. In the Update section of the form, enter comments about the request in the Comment text box, and optionally enter information, such as the estimated time and cost required for completing the request.
  4. Click Issue Request. This sets the status to In Process and directs the request to the next stage, according to its governing SLA.
    • For requests that are not move or department space request types, the request remains in your queue so that you can complete it when the work is done.
    • For requests that are move or department space request types, the request is removed from your queue, as the system will automatically complete the request on the move date or date to claim or release space.

Completing Requests

You can complete service requests for In Process service requests that are not for moves or department space. These requests are shown in the Requests Requiring Service pane. After you issue these requests, they remain in this pane so that you can complete them when the work is done.

To complete In Process requests that require service:

  1. In the Requests that Require Service pane, click Select in the row for a request that is In Process. These requests are for request types that are not move or department space requests.
  2. Click select in the row for the request.

    The Update form appears.

  3. Enter data to update the request. For example, you can enter the actual time and cost needed for the work; the estimated time and cost, which may have been entered upon issuing the request, is also shown on the form as a reference.
  4. Click Complete Request.

    The request is removed from the queue.

Note: Service requests for group or individual moves, or for department space, whether or not they require service, are removed from your queue once you issue them. This is because the system automatically completes these requests on the move date (for move requests) or the requested claim or release date (for department space requests.)
